Up to 8 people in immediate family gatherings… Local restrictions on business at 10:00 p.m.

[사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

A maximum of 8 people is allowed for meetings, immediate family meetings, and meetings with infants as an exception to the ban on grouping of 5 or more people. The first-birth party event, which was regulated by banning groups of 5 or more people, was also relaxed, allowing up to 100 people to gather in the metropolitan area.

On the 12th, the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters announced that it will maintain the current social distancing stage, which is the second stage in the metropolitan area and 1.5 stages in the non-metropolitan area for two weeks from the 15th to the 28th.

The government is adjusting the distance step every two weeks. Previously, on the 15th of last month, the distance-distance stage was lowered from 2.5 to 2 in the metropolitan area and from 2 to 1.5 in the non-metropolitan area, and on the 1st, that stage was maintained. With this extension, the second phase of the metropolitan area and the 1.5th phase of the non-metropolitan area will continue for a month and a half.

Some quarantine measures related to major family events have been eased. Meetings for marriage, meetings with infants and children, and immediate family meetings are allowed for up to 8 people. In the case of a meeting case, there were many complaints regarding the application of the ban on meetings of more than 5 people, since the minimum number of members is 6 when the combined couples and parents of both families are combined. Even if there are infants under the age of 6, if the number of people excluding them is 4, it was decided to allow up to 8 people. In the same way as wedding halls and funeral halls, first-birth parties are subject to a limit on the number of people at different stages of distance. The first birthday party was classified as a private gathering, and the business was virtually suspended due to the ban on gatherings of five or more people. With this easing measure, the first birthday party of less than 100 people in the metropolitan area and less than 500 people in the non-metropolitan area has become possible.

The 10 o’clock business hours limit in the non-metropolitan area has also been lifted. Jungsubon lifted the restrictions on operating hours in the non-metropolitan area. However, in the metropolitan area, the current 10 p.m. business hours limit is maintained.

As group infections continued, the sauna and sauna facilities, which were banned from operation at the end of last February, will also be reopened. In the metropolitan area, business restrictions were applied after 10 p.m. like other industries. National and public casinos in the metropolitan area, which had been suspended for a long time, were also allowed to operate under the condition that they receive customers within 20% of the capacity.

The quarantine authorities adjust the social distancing stage based on the number of new confirmed cases in the area during the week. 400~500 people are based on the 2.5 level upgrade. The number of new confirmed patients met the 2.5-step upgrade criteria. In the last week, 400 confirmed cases were out on the 5th. On this day, the number of confirmed cases is expected to be in the late 400s. Although the number of confirmed cases is stagnating due to the increase in the amount of travel in the spring, it is difficult to say that regional infections are rapidly spreading.

[고득관 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
