‘Unmarried mother’ Sayuri, son and a holiday spent with Lee Ji-hye after arriving in Korea… “Jen’s so handsome” – SPOTVNEWS

▲ Ji-hye Lee, Sayuri, Sayuri’s son, and Jihye Lee’s daughter (clockwise from top left). SourceㅣSayuri Sayuri SNS

[스포티비뉴스=최영선 기자] Broadcaster Sayuri invited Lee Ji-hye, who was from a group shop, to a Korean house and authenticated her friendship.

Sayuri posted a photo on her SNS on the 14th, saying, “Good friendship with friends.”

In the released photo, Sayuri, who recently came to Korea from Japan with her son, met Lee Ji-hye and his daughter.

Lee Ji-hye left a comment saying, “I ate so well. Zen is so handsome”, and then certified that she visited Sayuri’s house saying, “My proud friend. My sister and younger brother. The holiday is over.”

In particular, Sayuri recently said, “In Japan, people under the age of 3 should not wear a mask. Wearing a mask is rather dangerous because they can’t breathe. So, you have to be more careful when going to the airport.” By revealing it. Later, during the Lunar New Year holidays, the appearance of meeting Lee Ji-hye attracted attention, and the visual resemblance to his son evokes the smiles of viewers.

▲ SourceㅣSayuri Sayuri SNS

Sayuri has been active as a broadcaster by appearing on various broadcasting programs in Korea starting with KBS2’Beauty Chat’ in 2007. In November of last year, sperm donated from a western man stored in a sperm bank in Japan and gave birth, and became a voluntary single mother.

Spotv News = Reporter Choi Young-sun [email protected]

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