United, ready to replace De Gea? Donnarumma, Mainando Candidate

De Gea has more candidates for recruitment besides Manchester United and Oblac in preparation for possible transfer

[골닷컴] Reporter Man-Sung Han = There are news that Manchester United (Man United) are preparing a countermeasure considering the possible transfer of David de Gea (30).

De Gea is currently staying in Spain after leaving Manchester United after taking maternity leave. In the meantime, the news that Manchester United is preparing for De Gea’s transfer this summer came. De Gea’s back-up to Manchester United is already on loan to Sheffield United until last season, with Dean Henderson, who played the lead goalkeeper in the Premier League. However, British media reported that Manchester United plans to hire a top-notch goalkeeper once De Gea leaves the team.

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The longest connected goalkeeper to Manchester United is Jan Oblak, who plays for Atletico Madrid. However, Oblac’s buyout amount amounts to a whopping £133 million. This is a difficult condition for Manchester United to handle this summer.

Accordingly, British TV reporter Rial Thomas of’Sky Sports’ said that the candidates included Gianluigi Donnarumma and Mike Mainan as there is a high possibility that Man United’s recruitment of Oblac will be destroyed. Donnarumma’s contract with AC Milan will end in June. Mainan, who is active in Lille, also evaluates that the transfer fee is not as expensive as Oblac. The main report is that Manchester United plans to target Donnarummana Mainan as the next best option if it is difficult to sign Oblac.

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Meanwhile, De Gea still has a contract with Man U for about two more years. However, according to local media, he, who had been close to the transfer to Real Madrid in the past, is hoping his girlfriend will return to Madrid, Spain, where he is working as a TV host.
