Unification of candidates for the opposition parties who have come to’ki-win-jeon’… in conclusion? [레이더P]

With the 4·7 by-election approaching a month in the future, both the opposition parties are accelerating the unification of candidates for the mayor of Seoul. Candidate Chul-soo Ahn and Candidate Se-Hoon Oh held a beer meeting and entered into negotiations with the working-level team. Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun and Open Democratic Party candidate Kim Jin-ae have already successfully reached an agreement on the unification method. At the time when both the ruling and the opposition parties face only the decision of the final candidate. It summarizes the preliminary battles of the unification process.

1. 起: Star-level politicians row by row

Each of the candidates is having a busy day on the 25th, with each candidate taking steps to capture the public sentiment ahead of each party's primary election and unification of the mayor of Seoul.  From left, Park Young-seon of the Democratic Party, who visited the Gangnam-gu Social Venture Hub Center, and Sang-ho Woo, a candidate for the Democratic Party's election campaign at the National Assembly, and the second candidate Cheol-soo Ahn and an independent candidate of the National Assembly Party, Tae-seop Geum, and Na Gyeong-won, the power of the people who visited Chungjeongno Station The power of the people to announce the policy pledge Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people who visited the Seoul Federation of the Korean Senior Citizen's Association Welcome environment candidate.  2021.2.25 [국회사진기자단]

picture explanationEach of the candidates is having a busy day on the 25th, with each candidate taking steps to capture the public sentiment ahead of each party’s primary election and unification of the mayor of Seoul. From left, Park Young-seon of the Democratic Party, who visited the Gangnam-gu Social Venture Hub Center, and Sang-ho Woo, a candidate for the Democratic Party’s election campaign at the National Assembly, and the second candidate Cheol-soo Ahn and an independent candidate of the National Assembly Party, Tae-seop Geum, and Na Gyeong-won, the power of the people who visited Chungjeongno Station The power of the people to announce the policy pledge Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people who visited the Seoul Federation of the Korean Senior Citizen’s Association Welcome environment candidate. 2021.2.25 [국회사진기자단]

The Seoul Mayor’s by-election received political attention from the registration of the party’s primary candidate. This is because the highly-recognized’star politicians’ cast out votes. The pomun was opened by Democratic Party member Woo Sang-ho, who served as the in-house representative in the passport, and former National Power Congressman Shin Won-hwan, in the opposition.

Subsequently, Ahn Chul-soo, president of the National Assembly Party, declared a run for the mayor of Seoul. On December 20, last year, at the National Assembly Communication Hall, Ahn sparked discussions on unification from the beginning, saying, “I will stand proudly as a single candidate for citizens and opposition parties in Seoul, Korea, and serve as a driving force to stop the regime’s runaway.”

Afterwards, former Congressman Na Gyeong-won, former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, and former Minister of SMEs and Startups Park Young-seon also declared running for the run. In addition, the Open Democratic Party member Kim Jin-ae, Chung Bong-ju, the Supreme Open Democratic Party member, the former Democratic Party member Geum Tae-seop, and Jo Jung-hoon, the representative of the transition to the era, also declared a challenge.

2. 承: Opposition 1st stage Ahn-Gum unification… Pan-passport responded face-to-face with reasonable discussions

The first unification took place in the third zone. In January, Candidate Ahn Chul-soo proposed a’two-track two-stage unification,’ in which the winner of the 3rd zone unification and the winners of the people’s power contest confront, and this gained the consent of the opposition. Accordingly, the unification between Candidate Ahn and Candidate Tae-seop Geum began. After two debates, the two decided to unify with a 100% poll. During the debate, the two candidates exchanged a sharp battle and gathered common opinions through criticism of the Moon Jae-in administration.

On the 1st, Candidate Ahn defeated Candidate Geum and was confirmed as a single candidate for the third zone. The unification of the 3rd zone was conducted through a `competitiveness survey` asking “who is more competitive with Park Young-sun and Democratic Party candidates”, and Candidate Ahn won.

Candidate Sang-ho Woo first launched the discussion on unification in the passport. In late December of last year, Candidate Woo insisted, “We must promote the integration of the Open Democratic Party and the party to the opposition unity.” Afterwards, in February, they agreed to unify with candidate Chung Bong-ju on the premise of the party. Although the Democratic Party’s final candidate was former Minister Park Young-sun and the Open Democratic Party candidate Kim Jin-ae, it became a waterfront for unification.

3. 轉: Ahn Chul-soo-Oh Se-hoon, Park Young-seon-Kim Jin-ae Gyeongseon Seongsa

On the 4th, Candidate Se-Hoon Oh won the contest for the Mayor of the People’s Power of Seoul. Accordingly, the final confrontation for unifying the opposition was concluded with Ahn Chul-soo vs. Oh Se-Hoon. As for Candidate Oh’s victory strategy, the strategy of’middle class’ is considered. It is an analysis that Candidate Oh got more midway votes than Candidate Kyungwon Na.

Power of the People Mayor Oh Se-hoon (left) and Seoul Mayor Ahn Cheol-soo of the People's Party shake hands at the 113th International Women's Day celebration held at the Air Force Hotel in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 8th. [국회사진기자단]

picture explanationPower of the People Mayor Oh Se-hoon (left) and Seoul Mayor Ahn Cheol-soo of the People’s Party shake hands at the 113th International Women’s Day celebration held at the Air Force Hotel in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 8th. [국회사진기자단]

In pan-passport, candidate Park Young-sun and Candidate Jo Jung-hoon for the transition to the era agreed to unify, who won the Democratic Party’s primary election. After one debate, the two agreed to unification through 100% public opinion polls, and candidate Park won the victory on the 7th.

The unification with the Open Democratic Party was a bit creaky. Candidate Jin-ae Kim insisted that at least three debates were needed to raise the topic of the opposition unity, but the Democratic Party expressed discomfort that it could not take time to prepare for the main election. As a result, Candidate Kim resigned as a member of Parliament, and eventually agreed to hold two debates.

Candidate Park Young-seon of the Mayor of Seoul, and candidate Kim Jin-ae of the Open Democratic Party of the Democratic Party of Seoul, hold fists at a press conference to announce the unification plan held at the Seoul Yeouido National Assembly Communication Hall on the afternoon of the 9th.  [이승환기자]

picture explanationCandidate Park Young-seon of the Mayor of Seoul, and candidate Kim Jin-ae of the Open Democratic Party of the Democratic Party of Seoul, hold fists at a press conference to announce the unification plan held at the Seoul Yeouido National Assembly Communication Hall on the afternoon of the 9th. [이승환기자]

4. 結: Expect the effect of the final convention

Now, both the pan-passport and the opposition are nearing the final stage. Candidate Young-seon Park and Candidate Jin-ae Kim will decide on a single candidate for the final passport by reflecting 50% of each of the Seoul citizens’ polls and party member votes on the 17th. Candidate Chul-soo Ahn and Candidate Se-Hoon Oh have not yet agreed on the unification rule, but announced that the final candidates will be announced on the 19th through public opinion polls on the 17th and 18th.

Both the opposition parties are expected to enjoy the convention effect by making a hot topic in the process of unification, but the camp that will enjoy the relatively maximized effect is expected to become the opposition party. In the unification of pan-passport, the predominance of candidate Park Young-seon is that the tension is low. Rather, inside the Democratic Party, it is an atmosphere that hopes that candidate Park will not be scratched with a more intense’brawl’ than the convention effect.

On the other hand, the unification of opposition rights is a weak aspect. In a recent poll, candidate Oh has slightly reversed Candidate Ahn. In addition, it is expected to generate synergy effects in conjunction with public opinion aggravated by the sudden rise of the’Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) speculation’.

[이석희 기자/이은주 인턴기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
