Unhealthy wife, snipers neighbors in protest of interfloor noise “Keyboard Warrior”

(Source = An Sang-Ahn wife Instagram capture)

(Source = An Sang-Ahn wife Instagram capture)

The couple of comedian and film director Ahn Sang-tae, who are struggling with the residents of the lower floors due to the noise between floors, posted an article about the neighbors.

On the 18th, Jo In-bin, the wife and illustrator of An Sang-tae’s wife, posted an article on his Instagram on the 18th with an illustration video, “Poor celebrity living above, poor keyboard warrior living below.”

Some netizens are interpreting that celebrity (celebrity) is not referring to a family in an unhealthy state, and keyboard warrior is a neighbor of a lower house.

Keyboard Warrior refers to a person who indiscriminately spreads rumors or rumors without checking the facts online, or who freely writes and disseminates articles containing slander and gossip about others.

Earlier, as the controversy over inter-floor noise between the couple Lee Hwi-jae and Moon Jung-won grew, the family of the comedian An Sang-tae was also named as the perpetrator of inter-floor noise.

Mr. A, an unhealthy neighbor, who said it was the 28th week of pregnancy, told the online community the day before, “I heard a lot of stress during a sensitive period because I heard the sound of throwing objects, foot hammers, and running without distinction between day and night.” According to the gram, there are sneakers and roller blades in the child’s room.”

In response, Jo In-bin told his social media, “I am upset to seeing that I complained a few dozen times, but when I met him in the elevator, he didn’t say anything but even captured Instagram photos and wrote a malicious article in public.” I want to move as soon as possible.”
