Under the blame of Kim Jong-in’s disabled single parent, the Democratic Party and the Justice Party “Apologize Immediately”

On the 10th, the Democratic Party and Justice Party together urged an immediate apology for the controversy arising, saying, “It seems that there are not many normal mothers” at the seat of the National Forces Emergency Response Committee Chairman Kim Jong-in visiting a living facility for single parents.

Heo-young, a spokesman for the Democratic Party, commented on the day and said, “Chairman Kim Jong-in visited a single parent support facility yesterday (9th) and remarked,’It seems to me that there are not many normal mothers.’ He criticized him as being stigmatized by degrading it as’abnormal’.

Spokesman Huh said, “It was a remark that came from the process of complaining about the difficulty of applying to single mothers with mental illness or intellectual disability by the facility official.” “Isn’t it?” “Is the placenta in the case of a person who is inevitably pregnant for single mothers?”

Spokesman Huh said, “This is degrading the disabled and fostering social prejudice.” He urged, “Where there is pain, let’s not empathize with it, but take responsibility for adding that pain with demeaning.” Spokesman Huh said, “I doubt whether you are eligible as the 1st opposition party chairman. If you think of a policy to support single mothers with the ideology of the so-called’normal family’, don’t do that.”

Justice Party “anti-human rights criticism”

The Justice Party also strongly protested, saying, “Clear discrimination against the disabled, derogatory remarks”.

Justice Party chief spokesman Chung Ho-jin said in a briefing, “It can be seen as a violation of the Discrimination Against Disabilities Act to classify the presence of a disability as normal and abnormal.”

Chief spokesman Chung said, “I hurriedly tried to rectify that the power of the people was inadequate, but it is not only possible to dismiss it as a simple truth,” he said. It is going to be” he pointed out.

Chief spokesman Chung urged, “Chairman Jong-in Kim immediately apologizes for the discrimination remarks and discloses his position on preventing recurrence.” He said, “In terms of dealing with legislation, political rights require a special human rights consciousness that breathes with the times,” he said.
