“Unconditionally delete’this’ from your computer by the 31st” (+method)

Concerns arose over the PC program that was ending after 24 years from the end of this year.

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Since last June, Adobe has consistently announced requests to delete the’Adobe Flash Player’ program. This is because Adobe no longer updates the security patch for Flash Player, so if users leave it on their PC, there is room for hackers to infiltrate.

How to delete flash player For MS Windows users, From the Start menu, find’Programs and Features’ in the search box and delete the’Adobe Flash Player’ program from the’Uninstall or change a program’ list.

For Windows 11 Simply clean’Manage add-ons’ from the gear-shaped’Settings’ icon on the top right of the Internet screen, and when a separate pop-up window appears, right-click the mouse at the’Shockwave Flash Object’ location and select’Disable’. . It is immediately deactivated and can no longer be used.

When using Google Chrome, You need to disable the plugin. Just turn off Flash in Settings-Site Settings.

Apple Safari usersClick’Plug in Settings’ in the’Safari’ ->’Preference’ ->’Security’ tab in the menu bar. Click the checkbox in front of Adobe Flash Player to immediately disable it.

In addition, there are ways to use the uninstaller program on the official Adobe website, or delete it using an update.

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Adobe will completely end technical support for’Flash Player’ on the 31st. Flash player was once useful when creating simple videos or homepages using popular characters such as Jolaman and Mashimaro. Flash is a software that runs multimedia contents such as music and videos in a web browser.

However, in 2014, with the release of new programs that allow video production without Flash, Flash has nowhere to stand. In addition, flash is vulnerable to malicious codes and viruses, so concerns have always followed.

The Ministry of Science and ICT plans to strengthen monitoring of Adobe Flash and create and distribute a dedicated vaccine when malicious code appears.

General users are advised to delete flash installed on their computers to block security threats. When visiting a website that uses Flash, be aware of the possibility of hacking.
