Uncertainty not cleared… Hak-beom-ho Kim pledged to reunite in March and dissolved

Olympic soccer team training at Kangchanghak Park Stadium on the 1st

picture explanationOlympic soccer team training at Kangchanghak Park Stadium on the 1st

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‘Kim Hak-beom-ho’, the Olympic soccer team preparing for the Tokyo Olympics, will be disbanded after completing the first convocation training in 2021, pledged to convene again in March.

While the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were postponed for one year to July this year, Kim Hak-beom-ho gathered in Gangneung on the 11th of last month to start the first training for the new year in preparation for the Olympics.

Afterwards, the players who moved to Seogwipo on the 19th of last month and continued quenching will return to their teams after completing a practice game with Daejeon Hana Citizen on the 2nd of the K-League 2 (Part 2).

Kim Hak-beom-ho, who is less than half a year from the opening of the Olympics, will meet again on March 22-30 during the FIFA A Match (National Team Tour).

However, the spread of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) around the world is still there, and nothing has been properly decided except that it will convene again in March.

Olympic soccer team training.

picture explanationOlympic soccer team training.

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As a national team that needs to increase its competitiveness in Tokyo, it is best if it can compete with the strongest teams during the convocation in March.

An official of the Korea Football Association also said, “We are pushing ahead with all possibilities open so that we can play two friendly matches, whether domestically or overseas, for the countries that have entered the Tokyo Olympics.”

However, due to the Corona 19 situation, there is not much that the association can do.

If they are called in Korea immediately, the problem of self-isolation should be resolved first when foreign players and friendly match players enter the country, and if they play evaluation matches abroad, the self-isolation problem should be solved first.

At the end of March, both the European and K-leagues are in season, so a self-isolation period of up to two weeks could hurt their team.

For the same reason, there is a growing prospect that the second qualifiers for the 2022 Qatar World Cup Asian region, which FIFA has delayed until March, will not be held properly.

Kim Hak-beom coach of the Olympic soccer team.

picture explanationKim Hak-beom coach of the Olympic soccer team.

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Olympic team coach Kim Hak-beom called 26 players from the K-League and Japan’s J-League for this training.

If the correction due to Corona 19 does not improve, the March convocation training may also require training centered on K-League players in Korea.

During this convening period, I was able to play four practice games with the pro teams, but in March it is difficult to do this.

As director Kim, it is frustrating.

However, coach Kim said, “There is nothing we can do with our own strength,” and “I don’t care very much. All teams are in the same conditions.”


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