‘Um Yong-soo’ Uhm Young-soo, now in the US… ‘We put up the wedding ceremony and return home after mid-February’

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Yoon Hyo-jeong = Comedian Eom Young-soo (formerly renamed Um Yong-soo) is currently staying in the US for a wedding.

According to an official on the 1st of Eom Young-soo, Eom Young-soo recently headed to the United States to hold a wedding. Considering the period of self-isolation due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), he is planning to return to Korea by the middle of this month after having a wedding ceremony and having time with his family.

An official on the side of Eom Young-soo said, “I didn’t know the date of (ceremony) to the people around me in advance.

The news of Eom Young-soo’s marriage was announced in May last year. Since then, Eom Young-soo has appeared on many broadcast programs to reveal love stories and marriage plans. MBC radio broadcast in December of last year, “Park Joon-hyung Jung Kyung-mi’s 2 o’clock,” he said, “The date for the wedding has not been decided. Around the end of January,” he said. .

Eom Young-soo told the story that a lot of alumni live in LA and confessed that “(pre-bride) the eldest son is a pastor,” and “the pastor may be officiating.”

Eom Young-soo’s wife was a longtime fan of him. Eom Young-soo explained, “When my husband died, I fell in sorrow and healed while thinking about my comedy. I am a lifesaver.”

Afterwards, Eom Young-soo said, “I want him to see me, and I contacted him, and I met him after I went to the United States.”

Eom Young-soo also appeared on SBS’My Ugly Little Boy’, which aired on January 31, and once again cheerfully talked about his third marriage and gave a laugh.

Meanwhile, Eom Young-soo, born in 1953 and 69 in Korean age, made his full-fledged debut in the entertainment industry in 1981 in the MBC Gag Contest. In the 1980s, he was active on KBS 2TV’s’Humor’ and received great attention as the corner’Chairman, Chairman, Our Chairman. In addition, it gained great popularity as a master of vocal chords and rapid fire gag. Currently, he is the chairman of the Korea Broadcasting Comedy Association, which works for the interests of comedians.

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