Um Yong-soo, the third wedding in the US… “I feel rewarded for loneliness for 20 years”

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Eom Yong-soo (Eom Young-soo, 68 after the change of name) held a third wedding with a Korean-American businessman.

At 1 p.m. (local time) on the 6th, a small wedding was held with a Korean clothes businessperson 10 years old and younger at a church in Los Angeles, California. Initially, the ceremony was scheduled for January, but it was postponed for a week due to the aftermath of Corona 19.

Before the wedding, Um Yong-soo said, “I have lived alone for nearly 20 years and gave up my marriage, but I met a really good person at the age of twilight.” “I feel like I am compensated for my loneliness.”

He also mentioned that “marriage is a human romance until death” and boasted about the bride as “more intelligent and broader than me, and that he has a lot of business and is such a great person.”

In particular, GFRIEND is a big fan of Um Yong-soo. It is known that his comedy gave him strength and fell in love.

The bride is now leading a business with her second son after her husband’s death.

Eom Yong-soo was born in 1953, graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Hongik University, and made his debut through a comedy contest in 1981, and then appeared in’Show Video Jockey’,’Humor 1’and’Comedy Everything’ and enjoyed popularity as the best comedian of his time.

However, as a personal history, both marriages were ended in failure, and it was called the’icon of divorce’. In 1989, she married a 17-year-old talent and a hot topic, but divorced after 7 years, and then remarried with a single mother.

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