‘Um Yong-soo’ Eom Young-soo “Song Hae-eul succeeded to’National Song Show”?

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‘Um Yong-soo’ Eom Young-soo “Song Hae-eul succeeded to’National Song Show”?

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Jang Ah-reum |
2020-12-31 15:58 sent | 2020-12-31 16:08 Last updated

MBC mini © News1

Comedian Eom Young-soo (formerly named Eom Yong-soo) expressed his thoughts on being nominated as the successor to the MC of KBS 1TV’National Song Proud’ who will succeed Songhae.

On the afternoon of the 31st, Um Young-soo heard a story from DJ Park Jun-hyung, “Mr. Song Hae selected Eom Young-soo as the replacement of the MC for’National Singing Proud’ in MBC’s standard FM’Park Jun-hyung, Jung Kyung-mi’s 2 o’clock.”

In response, Eom Young-soo said, “This story itself is irreverent,” and “Song Hae is healthy now. You have a lot of exercise.” He emphasized, “The teacher doesn’t have a separate manager, and he takes care of himself, rides the subway, bus, and is healthy.”

In addition, Eom Young-soo said, “It is not allowed to rhyme with the successor right now,” and said, “Rather, the successor should have a health check. DJ Kim Ji-hye also admired Eom Young-soo’s humble appearance.

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