Input 2021.04.06 14:54 | Revision 2021.04.06 16:22
Minister Kwon said, “We are looking to reduce the burden on rent, etc., by reviewing ultra-low interest rate (tentative name) loan plans, including interest-free, with a focus on policy financial institutions for small business owners.” However, he added a clue, “It is still a long way. Minister Kwon said, “There are still mixed pros and cons from within,” he said. “I discovered that I have provided loan support at a 0.1% interest rate in the past when a wildfire in Gangwon-do, and I think it will be a good example.”
The first time he unveiled his ultra-low interest rate loan policy was in an interview with KBS radio on the 25th of last month. It was a broadcast conducted by Joo Jin-woo, who ran the podcast’I’m a Trick’ with Kim Eo-jun. At the time, he said, “Even if you can’t get to the interest-free rate, you have to do a deep review of the interest-free loans, seeing that it is not just an ultra-low interest rate, but an ultra-low interest rate loan program.”
Regarding the question,’Are you talking with the banking sector?’, he replied, “I know there was a discussion before I came as the minister in the past.”
When introducing a low-interest loan program through a bank window, it is essential to strengthen the credit guarantee fund under the jurisdiction of the Financial Services Commission. However, it does not mean that discussions related to ultra-low-interest loans have been conducted at all.
The Ministry of SMEs said, “There are various methods available for ultra-low interest rate loans,” and said, “A credit guarantee fund is also possible, but direct support through policy funds is one of the methods.” “We will discuss with the Ministry of Information and Technology to reflect this in the additional budget.”
This clarification of the Ministry of SMEs means that it will also seek to provide direct support through funds under the Ministry of SMEs such as the Small Business Corporation. For this to work, a new budget needs to be created. However, this year’s extra budget was passed to the National Assembly on the 25th of last month, when Kwon first unveiled an ultra-low interest rate loan. When the first supplementary budget was just executed, the government department launched a new project assuming the second or third supplementary budget.
Fundraising is one of the ways in which the budget is avoided because the effect of stimulating the economy is not large compared to the size of the budget. In addition, there are many cases in which funds were only raised and the execution of funds was sluggish. It is also pointed out as one of the main culprits of inflating the size of the budget rather than actual fiscal spending. This is the reason why, when the Moon Jae-in administration was organizing an additional budget, government ministries frequently submitted large-scale fundraising and increased plans to the budget authority and were retired. It is for this reason that the explanation that’we will promote ultra-low interest rate loans in the next supplementary administration’ is not realistic.
In addition, it is a situation that has not been discussed properly within the party to the extent that it is said, “This is the first time I hear inside and outside the Democratic Party. There are many ideas from inside and outside the Blue House and the Party, and I see it as one of them”
Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon and People’s Power candidate Oh Se-hoon, who will be re-elected by the mayor of Seoul on the 7th, are pledges to provide interest-free loans to small business owners of 50 million to 100 million won, respectively. Interest expenses are covered by the Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation’s budget.
In the case of Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, in the name of the Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation, he’inquired’ a commercial bank for a basic loan program, saying, “Please review the application of exceptions,” and actually asked for a basic loan, causing controversy. The basic loan pledge made by this branch is to allow anyone to borrow 10 million won per person, regardless of creditworthiness. Interest is deferred indefinitely until the principal is paid.
Assuming a 2% annual interest rate (borrower’s burden and Gyeonggi-do support sum), interest expenses alone amount to 1.84 trillion won, a significant amount of which Gyeonggi-do must invest in finances to preserve it. “It is unrealistic to insist that Gyeonggi Province simply asks the bank without a plan to pay the cost” is the reason why it comes from both inside and outside the financial sector.