UK to start vaccinating AstraZeneca next week

/Reuters Yonhap News

The UK government will start distributing a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca from January 4th next year.

On the 26th (local time), the British Sunday Telegraph reported that the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine will be distributed nationwide starting January 4th next year.

A senior UK government official told the Telegraph that the AstraZeneca vaccine could be approved by the Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) on the 27th. If regulators approve the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine within a few days, a large vaccination center will be set up at a sports stadium or conference venue in the second week of January.

However, MHRA told The Guardian, “The pharmaceutical regulatory authorities are reviewing the final data from the tertiary clinical trial to determine if the AstraZeneca vaccine meets strict quality, safety, and efficacy standards.” You have to provide and wait for advice.”

Telegraph added that the UK government aims to get 2 million people in the first dose of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine within two weeks. The AstraZeneca vaccine is easier to store and transport than the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer vaccine must be stored and transported at a cryogenic temperature of -70 degrees Celsius, but AstraZeneca vaccine can be stored at normal refrigerated temperatures. The UK government has ordered 100 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, of which 40 million doses are expected to be supplied by March next year.

Amid growing concerns about the corona 19 strain from the UK, AstraZeneca said its COVID-19 vaccine would be effective against the virus strain. “I think the vaccine will be effective so far,” Pascal Sorio AstraZeneca, CEO of AstraZeneca, told the Sunday Times.

Meanwhile, the Indian government is also planning to approve the emergency use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, Indian media including PTI reported on the 27th.

An official from the Indian health authorities said, “As soon as the UK pharmaceutical regulatory authority approves the AstraZeneca vaccine, we will hold a meeting of the Expert Committee of the Central Pharmaceutical Standards Administration (CDSCO) to thoroughly review the safety and immunogenicity data of this vaccine. It added that the Zeneca vaccine is expected to be approved for emergency use and distributed in India.

/ Kim Yeon Haja [email protected]

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