UK Institute for International Strategic Issues “Estimated having 8 or more ICBMs in North Korea”

North Korea unveils new ICBM, which has grown in size on its 75th anniversary

picture explanationNorth Korea unveils new ICBM, which has grown in size on its 75th anniversary

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A British think tank report found that North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are estimated to be at least eight.

According to Free Asia Broadcasting (RFA) on the 26th, the British Institute for International Strategic Affairs (IISS) estimated that North Korea has more than eight ICBMs in its 2021 Military Balance Report.

North Korea evaluated the’Hwaseong 16 type’ of the new ICBM’Mars 16′, which was unveiled at the party’s 75th anniversary ceremony in October last year.

In addition, it was estimated that there were more than 3,500 main battle tanks (MBT) in North Korea, 5,500 missiles, 71 submarines, and 545 combat aircraft.

The report then explained that the total number of North Korean troops is estimated at 1.28 million, consisting of 1.1 million in the army, 60,000 in the navy, 110,000 in the air force, and 10,000 strategic forces operating ballistic missiles.

The report analyzed that North Korea is intensively investing in nuclear weapons and ballistic missile transport systems, and said, “diplomacy revived from 2018 has reduced overall tensions on the Korean Peninsula, but it is still uncertain to limit North Korea’s nuclear ambition.

However, “It is unclear how effective North Korea is in modern warfare against technologically superior enemies,” he said. “North Korea’s military training takes place regularly, but what it looks like may be directed, so it does not reflect its operational capabilities.”

“Although ballistic missiles and old H-5 bombers can be used as a means of transporting nuclear warheads, there is no conclusive evidence that North Korea has successfully produced warheads.”


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