UK and EU’complete breakup’, what will be different

Parliament House in London, UK. London = AFP Yonhap News

On the 24th (local time), one day before Christmas, the UK and the European Union finally broke up. It has been four and a half years since the British people chose to escape the EU in 2016, and 11 months after the UK officially left the EU on January 31 this year. If the Brexit (UK’s withdrawal from the EU) agreement in January was the process of getting a’divorce stamp’ but entering into a’peaceful separation’, it would be completely’South and South’ from the 1st of next month. From the new year, changes are expected in a number of areas, including product trade, movement, and security.

Customs clearance and quarantine procedures become difficult

Shortly after the Brexit agreement in January, 73 British lawmakers automatically lost their positions in the European Parliament. British ministers were also unable to attend EU meetings to decide on comprehensive matters, including the establishment of restricted fishing zones. It has already stepped down from EU political institutions and organizations. However, at the time, the two sides set a transition period of 11 months (transition period), considering that more detailed consultations were needed on issues such as trade and fishing. Therefore, it can be said that the true Brexit will start on January 1 of next year.

According to foreign media, the two sides will form new relationships in various fields of economy and society in the future. First of all, from the 1st of next month, tariff and regulatory borders will be established for trade on both sides. In the post-Brexit negotiations, a free trade agreement (FTA) based on no tariffs and no quotas (limited quantity) was signed, but compared to the days when the UK was fenced off of a single EU market and a customs alliance, the benefits were reduced and the procedure was inevitable. none. As customs clearance and quarantine procedures are applied to the movement of goods, some confusion is inevitable. The Wall Street Journal in the US predicted that “UK companies that do business with the EU will have to fill out additional customs declarations totaling 215 million per year.”

The fishery issue, which provided the beginning of the’no-deal’ crisis, was settled by the UK acknowledging EU catch quotas in its own waters, but gradually reducing it over five years and six months. At the end of the period, the two sides will negotiate new fishing rights every year.

On the 10th, there are long lines of cargo trucks trying to enter the port of Dover in southern England. AFP Yonhap News

British citizens need to be thoroughly prepared to enter Europe

To share, I think the British people will feel the restrictions more on their skin. BBC Broadcasting of the UK cited △Passport expiration check △Travel insurance subscription △Vet visit △issuance of international driver’s license as matters that citizens should prepare before the transition period ends. Until the transition period, the British traveled freely to European countries regardless of the expiration of their passports, but in the future they will not enjoy freedom of movement. This is because the UK is classified as a’third country’ from the 1st of next month. British citizens must have a passport valid for at least 6 months to enter Europe. A visa is also required for stays in EU member states for more than 90 days. In addition, free and subsidies provided for treatment in the EU under the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) system will also cease. It means that if you want to travel to Europe, you should purchase travel insurance in advance.

The driver’s license has also been able to travel to and from the EU with a driver’s license obtained from the UK, but now you need to have a separate international driver’s license (IDP). Even if you plan to travel to Europe with your dog, there are restrictions such as presenting a’pet health certificate’ at least three months ago. The quarantine procedure is also treated equally to non-EU persons. The British Daily Independent explained, “European fast track is no longer open to British travelers,” and “when entering the country, the purpose of the visit will be checked much more closely.” In addition, professional qualifications such as lawyers, accountants, and air traffic controllers acquired in the UK are no longer recognized in the EU.

UK-EU, what will change from next year Graphic = Reporter Moon Joong Kim

Korea has already FTA with Britain… has little effect

For citizens of EU member states, the immigration threshold is expected to increase significantly. The UK plans to introduce a new immigration system based on skills and talents in January next year, which will predict a massive departure of EU talents with uncertain futures. If the image of the UK is hostile to immigrants, the nursing and building industries, which were highly dependent on unskilled EU personnel, could be struggling to find jobs.

In the field of security, the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) will be terminated, and the membership of the UK’s European Organization for Legal Cooperation (Eurojust) and the European Police Agency (Europol) will also be deprived. However, as the financial services sector is not covered in detail in this negotiation, it is observed that uncertainty may increase in the core financial services sector such as stocks and derivatives from the new year.

The impact on Korea seems to be insignificant. Already in August of last year, the Korean government signed a bilateral FTA with the UK to prepare a safety plate. According to the FTA, exports via the EU are also recognized as’direct transportation’ for a limited time for three years, provided they meet the requirements, and preferential tariff benefits are provided.

The UK will withdraw from the EU single market and customs union from next year after a one-year transition period. London = AFP Yonhap News

Heo Gyeongju reporter

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