Uiseong 5, Pohang 4, Gyeongsan 3, Yeongcheon 1’Newly confirmed’… Gyeongbuk-do, double digits in five days

Continued nth infection in Uiseong-gun, group outbreak of Hyoja Church in Pohang City
… As of 0 o’clock a day, 3,266 people were confirmed cumulatively in Gyeongbuk.

Uiseong 5, Pohang 4, Gyeongsan 3, Yeongcheon 1'Newly confirmed'…  Gyeongbuk-do, double digits in five days
On the 28th, a transport officer carrying a vaccine is moving from the heliport of the naval unit in Ulleungdo, Gyeongbuk, where a military transport helicopter carrying the Corona 19 vaccine landed. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 영남취재본부 박동욱 기자] The number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the Gyeongbuk region, which showed stability, rose to double digits again after five days.

According to Gyeongbuk Province on the 1st, the number of cumulative confirmed cases in Gyeongbuk as of 0 o’clock on the previous day was 3266 (including 62 overseas), 13 (3 from overseas) than the previous day.

The number of new confirmed cases in each region was Uiseong-gun, 4 in Pohang, 3 in Gyeongsan (2 from overseas), and 1 in Yeongcheon (overseas).

In Uiseong-gun, three of the new confirmed cases were positive during self-isolation as contacts of confirmed Uiseong number 59, who was designated as a super-infected person in the Bongyang-myeon area after being confirmed on the 18th. In the other two, the route of infection has not been confirmed.

Four new confirmed cases in Pohang City are members of the Hyoja Church in Hyoja-dong. In the church, one member was confirmed the day before, and an epidemiological investigation of the members is underway. The first confirmed congregation showed signs of corona19 suspicion, such as fever and cough, from the 20th, but it was found that he attended the Hyoja Church service on the 21st.

Among the three new confirmed cases in Gyeongsan City, one was a contact with Gyeongsan 895, confirmed on the 17th, and the other two were cases of overseas inflow. In Yeongcheon-si, one person who arrived from America was confirmed.

In Gyeongbuk, 55 cases, an average of 7.9 people per day for the past week, have been confirmed, and 2003 are currently in self-quarantine.

Reporter Park Dong-wook, Youngnam Coverage Headquarters [email protected]
