“Ugly money bug, psychologist, sophistry”… Ramsey beaten up by North Korea too

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North Korean media condemned Mark Ramsayer, a law school professor at Harvard University, who defined comfort women as’voluntary prostitutes’, saying, “The crime of sexual slavery in the Japanese military is the most unprecedented and unprecedented crime against humanity.”

Today (2nd) North Korea’s foreign propaganda media,’Chosun’s Today’, was revealed through an interview titled’No sophistication can ever hide the truth of history’.

The media said to Professor Ramsey, “I blasphemed and degraded Japanese military sexual slave victims as’voluntary prostitutes’ because they were unable to protect the blatant and unscrupulous mantle of Japanese reactionaries trying to cover up their past sins.”

He then introduced the controversial thesis on the’Prostitution Agreement during the Pacific War’ and pointed out that it is consistent with what the Japanese right wing has argued so far.

In this paper, Professor Ramsey argued, “It is not true that the Japanese government or the Korean government-general forced prostitution, and the victims of comfort women made a lot of money.”

A sign condemning Professor Mark Ramsayer of Harvard Law School, who wrote a thesis claiming that the comfort women were prostitutes at the '1,480th Regular Demand Demonstration to Solve the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Problem' held in front of the former Japanese embassy in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 24th of last month. Is hanging around the neck.  〈Photo = Yonhap News〉A sign condemning Professor Mark Ramsayer of Harvard Law School, who wrote a thesis claiming that the comfort women were prostitutes at the ‘1,480th Regular Demand Demonstration to Solve the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Problem’ held in front of the former Japanese embassy in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 24th of last month. Is hanging around the neck. 〈Photo = Yonhap News〉

Today in Joseon, I saw that Professor Ramsey’s distorted argument was supported by Mitsubishi.

The media said, “Ramsey went to Japan as soon as he was born in the United States, lived until the age of 18, and attended school under the support of Japanese war criminals company Mitsubishi.” “I don’t think there is anything strange about writing.”

He then accused him of being “an ugly money bug and a pseudo-scholar,” saying, “Ramsey still maintains his professorship under the support of Mitsubishi.”

He also said that the whole world, including our country, is criticizing Professor Ramsey.

The media said, “The civil society organizations in South Korea are urging American professors to apologize for defending against humanitarian war crimes, saying that it is an inhuman act that has lost the qualifications of a scholar,” and overseas compatriots also withdrew their thesis and sincerely apologize. I am insisting on severe punishment.”

“American professors, scholars and politicians, as well as academics and politicians in many countries around the world, also criticized Ramsey’s thesis as being’full of miserable errors empirically, historically, and morally’ and’fake news is not academic.’ “There is,” he added.

The media said, “Not only our people, but the whole humanity is condemning a person who is Ramzier,” and said, “It is the whole human emotion and orientation to love justice and truth and to value morality and conscience.”

Finally, the media said, “Nothing can cover Japan’s trembling past sins.” “The lessons the situation shows.”
