U+5G robot monitors the air environment in Jeonju in real time

Environmental management robot patrols in the industrial complex, Manseong district, and innovative city in Palbok-dong, Jeonju-si
Realization of ultra-low delay with Gwangju MEC center, expanding B2B/B2G cases in celebration of the 2nd anniversary of 5G commercialization
Various types of innovation models emerge as local governments expand their ESG adoption

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Kim Seon-yeop = As companies’ ESG management has emerged as an important topic, local governments are also increasingly interested in sustainable cities such as their own 2050 carbon neutral target declaration and circular economy. Accordingly, on the 2nd anniversary of 5G commercialization, LG U+ introduced an autonomous driving robot in partnership with Jeonju City as part of environmental (E) management activities.

LG U+ announced on the 4th that it is managing the atmospheric environment in Jeonju in real time through autonomous driving robots connected through a 5G network.

Earlier, LG Uplus decided to introduce a self-driving robot that can measure air quality and monitor pollutant emissions 24 hours after signing a business agreement with Jeonju City in September last year. Six autonomous robots and 20 fixed-type atmospheric detectors were put into residential areas such as the industrial complex in Palbok-dong, Jeonju-si, the chronic district, and the innovative city.

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Kim Seon-yeop = LG Uplus announced on the 4th that it is managing the atmospheric environment in Jeonju in real time through autonomous driving robots connected through a 5G network. A 5G autonomous robot is coming out to start an unmanned patrol at a station installed in front of Jeonju Broadcasting Park in Jeonju. <사진=LG유플러스 제공> 2021.04.04 [email protected]

The’Environment Management Robot’, which is equipped with AI and autonomously runs around Jeonju, collects atmospheric information in real time while autonomously driving a course of about 1km, and quickly transmits and analyzes environmental information acquired during unmanned patrols to the 5G network.

The environmental management robot produced together with the tool space delivers atmospheric information to the Gwangju MEC center through a 5G network. Through the 5G network of ultra-high speed and ultra-low latency, it is seamlessly connected and can move safely even in an emergency situation that requires remote control.

In the Gwangju MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) center, which is connected to the 5G network and a dedicated line, an integrated control operation server and a robot control/organizational control/video control/AI analysis server are in operation. Through MEC, the delay time of 30~40ms in LTE can be reduced to a single digit. The data processed by the Gwangju MEC center is transferred to the control center in Jeonju through a dedicated line, and in case of an emergency, the control center can give the robot a control command.

The substances that environmental management robots collect in real time from the atmosphere are ▲ fine dust (PM2.5) ▲ ultrafine dust (PM10) ▲ carbon monoxide (CO) ▲ nitrogen dioxide (NO2) ▲ sulfur dioxide (SO2) ▲ hydrogen sulfide (H2S) ▲ ammonia ( NH3) ▲ These are volatile organic compounds (VOC). Through this, it is possible to easily identify the origin of odors as well as phenomena that cause spring air quality problems such as yellow dust by grasping the levels of these substances in the atmosphere.

Each patrol by the environmental management robot takes about 30 minutes, and the patrols are made from 9 am to 6 pm every day.

Since the world’s first commercialization of 5G on April 3, 2019, LG U+ has been focusing on growing the 5G ecosystem in the B2C field by developing 5G specialized services and launching the’XR Alliance’, a content alliance with global telecommunications companies.

From this year, the second year of commercialization of 5G, various types of innovation models are expected to emerge as local governments expand ESG adoption. Accordingly, we plan to lead digital transformation in all areas of the industry by increasing 5G use cases in the B2B field such as environmental management robots. .

Suh Jae-yong, manager of LG U+’s smart infrastructure business, said, “For two years since the world’s first 5G commercialization, we have been striving to discover B2B and B2G cases where 5G promotes the advancement of industry and public sectors.” “We will build cooperative relationships with domestic and foreign partners in order to create a more expanded 5G ecosystem,” he said.

[email protected]
