U.S. United airliner immediately after take-off’Wang’ …

On the 20th, debris of a passenger plane fell in the yard of a home in Broomfield, near Denver, Colorado, USA. Broomfield = AP Yonhap News

When the engine of a passenger plane in flight in the United States broke down, debris fell and hit residential areas. Fortunately, passengers and residents were not injured, but a huge debris fell to the ground, which almost led to a major accident.

On the 20th (local time) with 231 passengers and 10 crew members on board, the United Airlines (UA) flight 328, which was heading from Denver, Colorado, to Honolulu, Hawaii, had a serious malfunction in the right engine of the airliner and made an emergency turn to Denver Airport. Reported this. According to FlightTrader24, a website specializing in tracking aircraft, the airliner in the accident is a Boeing 777-200 aircraft that was introduced to United Airlines in November 1994 and has been used for 26 years. I made an emergency landing at Denver Airport at 28:28.

Accident airliner United Air 328 wakes up on the 20th. FlightTrader 24 capture

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said that flight UA328 started to lose altitude after taking off the day after taking off, causing a failure in the right engine, causing flames to soar under the wing. According to an accident video posted on Twitter of Social Network Service (SNS), the engine of the airplane was caught in flames and the fan blade inside the engine was broken. The U.S. Federal Transportation Safety Commission (NTSB) immediately initiated an accident investigation, but the cause is unknown.

Passengers were terrified by the emergency turnaround, which could have spread to a major disaster. David DeLucia, who was riding in the accident, told the Associated Press that “when the plane crashed, I put a wallet with a driver’s license in my pocket to make it easier to identify the body.” Another passenger, Travis Luke, told CNN that “a sound of an explosion was heard from 10,000 feet (about 3 km) in the air.”

On the 20th, a fire broke out in the engine on the right side of United Air 328 departing from Denver Airport in Colorado and heading for Honolulu Airport, Hawaii. Reuters Yonhap News

Dangerous moments continued even on the ground. The Broomefield Police Station near the airport said on Twitter that “we received reports that several debris had fallen around 1:8 (from the accidental aircraft).” Resident Kieran Kane testified to CNN that “I heard a loud explosion in the sky and saw black smoke,” and “(aircraft) debris poured out like rain.”

The Associated Press reported that in the Broomefield area, a massive 4.5m diameter engine fragment fell from the sky and struck a house and a truck. Resident Kirby Clements said he saw massive aircraft engine debris falling into his truck, as well as chunks of insulation getting stuck in his backyard. I told the Associated Press.

Jinwook Kim reporter

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