“U.S. to release information report on’Prince Saudi Arabia approves Kashogi’s murder” | Voice of America

A report from the U.S. intelligence agency is said to have been released that Saudi Arabia’s real power Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

Reuters and other sources cited government officials and reported that the Joe Biden administration plans to release a declassification report today (25th) containing the US intelligence’s assessment.

Reportedly, the report was led by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and included the assessment that it was possible that Prince Bill Salman approved and ordered the murder of Kashogi, who wrote a column criticizing the Saudi royal family in the Washington Post newspaper.

White House spokesman Jen Saki also said at a regular briefing the previous day (24) that a report from the Biden administration addressing the murder of Jamal Kashogi will soon be released.

Saki said again and again that President Biden’s interlocutor in Saudi Arabia was King Salman bin Abdulaziz, not Crown Prince Salman, and said the two leaders would soon have a phone call.

The media have observed that the Biden administration’s release of the report will be a new turning point for realigning US-Saudi Arabia relations.

Meanwhile, the US broadcaster’CNN’ reported that the two private planes used by the Kashogi assassination squad were confirmed through a lawsuit document that belonged to’Sky Prime Airlines’, a company owned by a sovereign wealth fund run by Prince Bin Salman.

Kashogi, a native of Saudi Arabia and a permanent resident of the United States, was killed by agents dispatched from Saudi Arabia after visiting the Saudi Consulate General in Istanbul, Turkey in 2018 to prepare wedding documents.

The Saudi government has denied allegations of involvement in the murder of Kashogi.

VOA news
