U.S.’superstitious politics’ rampant… Biden “Take off your mask? Neanderthal accident”

U.S. President Joe Biden is speaking on the response to Corona 19 in the dining room of the White House on the 2nd (local time). Washington = AP Newsis

U.S. President Joe Biden strongly criticized the Republican governors for abolishing the quarantine regulations for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). They even mobilized the explicit expression of’Neanderthal’. Although former President Donald Trump retired, it is pointed out that the legacy he left behind is “corona politics that neglects science”.

According to the White House joint interview group on the 3rd (local time), President Biden said that it was a “big mistake” for some states, including Texas and Mississippi, to abolish regulations related to Corona 19, such as requiring masks to be worn. “I want everyone to know that masks have made a difference so far,” he said. “What we don’t need is a Neanderthal thinking,’Everything is fine, you can forget everything and take off your mask’.” He said, “Following science is critical,” repeating the word “very important” four times and then “Wash your hands. You have to do that often. Wear a mask and keep social distancing.”

He said, “What you all know,” he rebuked, saying, “Damn, I hope some elected officials know this.” “The public health officials have repeatedly said that now is not the time to deregulate, without mentioning a specific state,” said The Hill, a media outlet specializing in Congress. “Biden’s comment means that the White House rhetoric has expanded.” Interpreted.

Worries don’t just come from the White House. Anthony Pouch, director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the highest authority in the field of infectious diseases, also criticized the decision of the two states as “unwise” at a town hall meeting with the National Food and Commerce Workers’ Union (UFCW) that day. He stressed, “I have seen that in the past (removing the mask mandate), I have seen a surge of unchanged growth again,” he emphasized as a “dangerous sign”. It was a reminder of last summer, when the state of Texas became an area where Corona 19 was concentrated after unregulating and taking the lead in resuming economic activity.

Health experts have one voice. “It’s still too early,” said Philip Hwang, director of health at Allas County, Texas, to the Daily Washington Post. We all want to get back to normal, but now is not the time to relax.” “This is a huge mistake,” said Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine at George Washington University, on CNN. “We’ve already seen this movie and it didn’t end well.”

Experts are concerned that the hasty easing of health regulations could provide the large petri dishes needed for the mutant corona to thrive. CNN analyzed that “the clashes between Washington (Biden’s administration) and several states show that the science-politics duel did not end after former President Trump left the White House.”

On the 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves announced on the 2nd that they would lift the mandate to wear masks and that all types of businesses and stores could accept customers up to 100% of their capacity. The two governors cited the fact that the number of new corona19 confirmed and hospitalized patients has declined, and that the spread of the vaccine is expanding as reasons for mitigation measures. Both belong to the Republican Party.

Kwon Gyeong-seong reporter

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