U.S. 40s nurse tested positive after vaccinating Pfizer

A bottle with a COVID-19 vaccine sticker and a syringe with a US pharmaceutical company Pfizer logo. © AFP=News1

A nurse who was vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the United States was tested positive for Corona 19.

The American ABC broadcast reported that a 45-year-old nurse working in the emergency room on the 29th (local time) was tested positive for the virus shortly after vaccination against Corona 19, and washing hands, social distancing and wearing a mask may still be important in 2021. Stressed.

The nurse was 45, working in an emergency room in San Diego, California. On the 18th, the nurse was vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine’BNT162b2′ jointly developed by Pfizer and German Bioentech. According to ABC, the nurse suffered a side effect of pain in the arm after vaccination.

The nurse, who worked in the Corona 19-related department, felt chills, muscle pain, and fatigue 6 days after vaccination, and was tested at the drive-through clinic and was tested positive for Corona 19.

Christian Ramas, a professor at the San Diego State University School of Public Health, an infectious disease expert at the San Diego Family Health Center, said, “This outbreak is not unexpected.”

First of all, a possible cause of infection is when the person was infected immediately after vaccination. Even if vaccinated, the protective effect against Corona 19 does not occur immediately. This is because it takes time for the body to produce antibodies.

According to the results of a clinical trial that Pfizer released in the overseas pharmaceutical journal’New England Journal of Madison (NEJM)’ on the 10th, BNT162b2 inoculated by the nurse begins to generate immunity against Corona 19 two weeks after the first dose. In addition, when exposed to the Corona 19 virus at least 7 days after the second vaccination, the prevention effect was at the level of 95.0%.

Professor Ramas said, “It takes about 10 to 14 days for the vaccine to show its protective effect.”

However, even after 10-14 days, a second vaccination is required to be fully protected. Professor Ramas explained, “The first vaccination is expected to provide only half of the protective effect, and the second vaccination is necessary to reach 95% (vaccine protective effect).”

Another cause is the possibility that he was already infected with the virus when he received the Corona 19 vaccine.

Corona 19 virus has an incubation period of up to 2 weeks before symptoms appear. In other words, there were no symptoms before the vaccine was given on December 18, but it may have already been infected.

“Both of the above possibilities remind us that the vaccine is not a panacea.” “(Even if the vaccine is supplied) it takes time to calm down COVID-19, and basic social distancing, wearing a mask, washing hands, etc. We will continue to follow public health rules,” he said.

Professor Ramas also said, “We have heard optimistic prospects from medical experts that the release of the vaccine is the beginning of the end of Corona 19, but this will proceed slowly over weeks to months.”

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