Twenties who suffered permanent disability as a friend with’nickik’, twice sentenced for appeal after appeal

View of Incheon District Court.  Central photo

View of Incheon District Court. Central photo

A man in his twenties who inflicted a permanent disability on his friend with martial arts technique’Nikik’ appealed against the first trial ruling, but the sentence doubled.

On the 26th, the Incheon District Court Criminal Affairs Division 1-2 (Director Seung-il Ko) announced that A (24), who was accused of serious injury, canceled the court case sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison and sentenced him to 3 years in prison.

On October 12, 2019, Mr. A was charged with assaulting his friend B, saying that he was late for an appointment on a street in Bupyeong-gu, Incheon on October 12, 2019, and seriously injured him.

He held the shoulder of Mr. B, who was bowing his head, with both hands and assaulted him 10 times with so-called’nickik’, which hit his face with his knees, and knocked him down by wrapping his neck with his arm from behind. At that time, Mr. B could not resist much while covering his face with both hands.

Afterwards, Mr. B received hospital treatment for internal carotid artery injury and cerebral infarction, but was diagnosed with permanent disorders such as speech impairment and right hemiplegia.

The first trial court sentenced Mr. A to a prison sentence of 1 year and 6 months in prison last August, taking into account the crime and the degree of injury the victim suffered.

However, Mr. A appealed, claiming that “Mr. B first assaulted him and did it as a defensive measure.”

The prosecution also filed an appeal letter to the court, saying, “The sentence for the first trial is too light and unfair.”

The Court of Appeals said, “When the defendant and the victim looked at the assault robbery (transferred or exchanged), the defendant’s actions were not to defend against the victim’s unfair attacks, but to fight each other with a willingness to attack each other, and to confront each other.” At the same time, it is an act of attack, so it cannot be regarded as self-defense.”

The judge said, “The defendant was a first offender and an accidental crime, but the method of assault was quite cruel.” At the age of 22 at the time, the victim suffered severe and permanent disabilities such as speech impairment and right paraplegic paralysis. I suffered great mental pain in my back,” he explained.

“The defendant seems to be lacking in consensus efforts, such as not recovering civil and criminal damages at all using the attitude of the victim’s family as an excuse.”

Reporter Lee Ji-young [email protected]
