Twenties who bought access records for prostitution establishments and plucked billions of money

Sex crime illustration.  yunhap news

Sex crime illustration. yunhap news

The court sentenced a party to prison for collecting hundreds of millions of won from people on the list after buying a list of visitors from a prostitute. It turned out that they were divided into action books and money management measures, and were working systematically.

Seoul Eastern District Law Criminal Division 4 (deputy judge Park Joon-min) sentenced Mr. A in his twenties to three years in prison on charges of blackmail on the 1st. Mr. B, in his 30s, who was in charge of money management such as laundering of crime proceeds, was sentenced to two years in prison and three years probation.

According to the court, Mr. A’s gang was convicted of extorting a total of 219.6 million won from four people from August 2019 to February last year.

Mr. A’s crime began in 2019 when he bought access records from officials at the prostitution office. He searched social media such as Kakao Talk and Kakao Story of people entering the business based on the list of mobile phone numbers recorded. After collecting personal information in this way, Mr. A called them and threatened to “distribute (video) to family and acquaintances if you don’t send money because there are records and videos you went to the prostitution establishment.”

In this way, Mr. A had to deposit money into a bank account called by the victims. The account that received the money from the victim was the second-name account, and the cell phone used for intimidation was also revealed as a cannon phone. Mr. B, an accomplice, is an acquaintance with Mr. A, who has been in charge of distributing the money deposited in the cannon bankbook by dividing it into other cannon bankbooks and depositing or withdrawing cash.

In the blackmail organization, there was a general commander named’Southmaster’, but his identity was not specified. The southern chief, who was surveyed as being based in the Philippines, was the person who taught Mr. A how to obtain access records to prostitution establishments and how to collect and threaten a cannon bankbook, and ordered the crime. Mr. A said he planned the crime by communicating with the southern chief via telegram.

Reporter Jeong Jin-ho [email protected]
