tvN’On and Off’ Marine Boy Park Tae-hwan’s daily life revealed for the first time

‘Slow Boy’ Park Tae-hwan, who forgot the speed of’On and Off’ on the 23rd (Tue), expects a reversal

▲ tvN’On and Off’ Marine Boy Park Tae-Hwan daily release / Photo provided by tvN

[스트레이트뉴스=양용은 기자] On tvN’On and Off (directed by Shin Chanyang)’, swimmer Park Tae-hwan’s honest and slow daily life will be revealed for the first time.

On the 23rd (Tuesday) broadcast, Park Tae-hwan will be the first to broadcast his home and daily life. It is expected that the delicate interior that stands out with neat and colorful items will catch the eye. In addition, unlike on the water, the reversal of the’slow boy’ who lives at a very slow pace in everyday life outside the water is expected to attract attention. From a leisurely breakfast to a laid-back plating, and unique delicacy, Park Tae-hwan’s new personal appearance is expected to show surprise and healing.

Then, Park Tae-hwan, who went out for a long time, visited a tailor shop and measured his body size to make a tailored suit. Park Tae-hwan, who was usually called a fashionista among athletes, complained about the difficulty of obtaining clothes with an unusual body size, and revealed the story behind that he has endured with only one suit so far. Following this, Park Tae-hwan will show a perfect suit suit and give warmth.

In contrast, Park Tae-hwan’s ON presents a surprise with a charismatic appearance. Park Tae-hwan, who opened the swimming pool under his name, catches the eye with his professional skills. For a while, Park Tae-hwan is expected to open a swimming class for his nephews on the 1st, transforming into a foolish nephew and reveal another aspect of the twist. He also showed a waste of world-class talent by playing catch-up at the eye level of his nephews in the water.

On the broadcast tomorrow (Tuesday, 23rd), the daily life of actor Kim Dong-gyu, who is active in the role of Jo secretary of’Penthouse 2’and Cheong-ha’s daily life returning with the new song’Kerensia’ of the first regular album, will be revealed.

tvN’On and Off’ airs every Tuesday at 10:30 pm.

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