“TV packaging to cat house”… Eco-friendly package applied to all Samsung TVs

Samsung Electronics' model is introducing a new Neo QLED TV in 2021, a newly applied solar cell remote control, and an eco package at Samsung Digital City in Suwon.  (Photo = Samsung Electronics)
Samsung Electronics’ model is introducing a new Neo QLED TV in 2021, a newly applied solar cell remote control, and an eco package at Samsung Digital City in Suwon. (Photo = Samsung Electronics)

Samsung Electronics announced on the 10th that it will expand its eco-friendly strategy in the field of video display products.

Samsung Electronics announced its TV business vision at’Samsung First Look 2021′ held on January 6 (local time), △Expanding eco-packaged products △Introduction of eco-friendly remote control using solar cells △Use of recycled plastic, etc. It revealed a plan to reduce carbon emissions through this.

First, Samsung Electronics is expanding the’Eco Package’, which was applied to lifestyle TV, to all 2021 models.

Eco Package was first introduced in 2020 by introducing the concept of upcycling to packaging materials discarded after TV delivery, and a dot pattern was applied to the packaging box to make it easier to create cat houses and small furniture using packaging materials, and through QR codes. Provides instructions for making various props to consumers.

Even if only one accessory per box is produced and upcycled, it is expected that more than 10,000 tons of greenhouse gases can be saved.

Secondly, an eco-friendly remote control using solar cells was also introduced.

The solar remote control, which is applied to all 2021 QLED TVs, can be used without a disposable battery by putting a solar panel in the remote control itself.

In addition, some crystal UHD TV models provide a power-saving remote control that reduces power consumption by more than 80% compared to existing models.

Samsung Electronics predicts that through the application of this eco-friendly remote control, it will be able to reduce the use of about 99 million disposable batteries for 7 years and reduce greenhouse gas emissions of about 14,000 tons.

The use of recycled plastics, which has been practiced so far, is also planned to continue to expand. Currently, recycled plastic is mainly used for monitors and signage stands and back covers.

Samsung Electronics is believed to have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by more than 500 tons by using recycled plastics in video display products.

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Through this, the expected greenhouse gas reduction of products with eco-friendly items among video display products produced in 2021 is expected to reach about 25,000 tons, which is equivalent to the amount of greenhouse gas absorbed by 3.8 million pine trees born in 30 years. It’s a shame.

Jonghee Han, president of Samsung Electronics’ video display division, said, “The company’s eco-friendly activities are to deliver more than products to consumers and to provide a better future,” said “Through people-centered technological innovation and various efforts to protect the environment, “I will fulfill my responsibilities as a leader.”
