‘TV makes love’ Park Wan-gyu “The main vocal concession to resurrection Kim Ki-yeon is possible”

Park Wan-kyu and Kim Tae-won (from left to right) talked about Kim Ki-yeon in KBS2’TV Carries Love’. Broadcast capture

Park Wan-gyu of the group’s resurrection talked about Kim Ki-yeon’s voice.

Taewon Kim appeared as a client in KBS2’TV Carries Love’ broadcast on the 13th.

Kim Won-hee asked Kim Tae-won about the relationship he was looking for. When asked, Taewon Kim said, “If I have a debt, I think I should pay all my debts and die.” The person he was looking for was Kim Ki-yeon, the vocal of his 6th album.

Park Wan-kyu said of Kim Ki-yeon as “Kim Tae-won’s brother’s most painful finger.” Kim Tae-won said, “At the time, there was no machine to tune the pitch. I had to sing until I was able to. The day I finished recording the song (to Kim Ki-yeon), a vocal cord nodule came.”

Park Wan-gyu said, “Singer Kim Ki-yeon was recognized as singing ability in the underground at the time. But it didn’t work for Kim Tae-won. My brother took care of the details, saying,’I have to sing, not yelling.’ It came,” he explained.

According to Kim Tae-won, Kim Ki-yeon stopped singing after vocal cord nodules. Kim Tae-won said to Kim Ki-yeon, “There may be feelings of resentment in me.” Park Wan-kyu said, “During the resurrection performance, the first vocalist Kim Jong-seo and other vocalists also appear on the stage. But Ki Yeon-yi never came.”

Park Wan-gyu said, “I can give up the main vocal position of the resurrection regular performance to Kiyeon to some extent. I hope I can find my voice again because I am the one who sang such a beautiful song.”

Jeong Hanbyul reporter

The new standard changed by Corona, the new normal of’un·home·sl·on’ is coming.
The new standard changed by Corona, the new normal of'un·home·sl·on' is coming.

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