Trump’Stop Loss’ Aide and Republicans… Melania’s chief secretary also resigned

Stephanie Grisham, Chief Secretary, First Lady of the White House.  He was selected as a spokesman for the White House in 2019, then returned to Melania Trump's secretary and spokesperson last year. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Stephanie Grisham, Chief Secretary, First Lady of the White House. He was selected as a spokesman for the White House in 2019, then returned to Melania Trump’s secretary and spokesperson last year. [AFP=연합뉴스]

President Donald Trump’s aides and Republicans are also puzzled by the unprecedented occupation of the US Congress by supporters of US President Donald Trump.

In an interview with CNN on the 6th (local time), an incumbent White House aide said, “I never thought this would happen,” and “I can’t defend it.” He added that the position of other White House aides on the incident is the same. “The president has to bear the blame.”

According to CNN, first lady Melania Trump’s spokesman and secretary chief Stephanie Grisham also submitted a resignation letter. He initially served as Melania’s spokesman, but in June 2019, he was chosen as the White House spokesman. She returned to Melania’s assistants again last year, but is considered to be the longest assistant to the presidential couple at the White House. A White House official said he decided to submit his resignation after seeing the congressional occupation.

Republican Congressman Kathy McMorris Rogers (Washington State) said he had decided to vote for a peaceful transfer of power by overturning the stance it had originally decided to challenge the election results. He made a statement that day and said, “I have decided to vote to support the election results, and I hope that President Trump’s madness will end.”

Representatives are evacuating as President Trump's supporters enter the US Congress to prevent the election results from being ratified.[AP=연합뉴스]

Representatives are evacuating as President Trump’s supporters enter the US Congress to prevent the election results from being ratified.[AP=연합뉴스]

Congressman Liz Cheney (Wyoming), former Vice President Dick Cheney’s eldest daughter and top Republican member of the Republican Party, also criticized in an interview with Fox News that “President Trump is abusing the trust of the American people and those who supported him.” “Our mission at the Capitol is to count the number of votes and we cannot but hold the President responsible for what happened at Capitol today. It is important to send out a message to the world that the United States is not dominated by mob violence.” “Do it”.

Senator Mitt Romney, President Trump’s foe, also urged fellow Republicans to “constrain opposition and unanimously confirm the legitimacy of the presidential election.”

The New York Post, which publicly supported President Trump during the presidential election last year, published a column titled “President Trump is responsible for today’s events” in its online top article. The media criticized, “We made the United States look like a third world country to our friends and adversaries,” and criticized that “the shocking scenes seen inside and outside the Capitol are not an expression of patriotism, and they are not Americans.”

Pro-Trump-oriented Republican lawmakers, who initially tried to object to the election approval, went into closed meetings in embarrassment. The pressure to approve the election results is increasing. The results of the closed meeting were not known, but one lawmaker implied that he would not present a dissenting opinion, saying, “I hope the process for approval of the electorate will be finished.”

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is embarrassed by Trump supporters' occupation of the US Congress on the 6th (local time). [AP=연합뉴스]

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is embarrassed by Trump supporters’ occupation of the US Congress on the 6th (local time). [AP=연합뉴스]

President-elect Trump’s supporters broke into Congress on that day to prevent Joe Biden from confirming his victory. The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives held a joint meeting at 1 pm and began work to certify the voting results of the presidential electoral group on a state-by-state basis, but were evacuated after violent protests broke out. According to CNBC, the US government has deployed 1,100 National Guards.

After the situation subsided, the joint meeting continued at 8 pm EST. Vice President Pence, who presides over the meeting as the ex officio Senate chairman, declared the meeting to resume, saying, “The security of the parliament has been secured.” He told the protesters, “You haven’t won. Violence will never win.”

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]
