Trump’s “third win” preview of 2024 presidential election (complementary)

Former US President Donald Trump attends the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Orlando, Florida on February 28, 2021 (local time), and speaks for the first time after 39 days of retirement. © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Dongmyeong Woo

Former U.S. President Donald Trump hinted at the possibility of running for president in 2024.

He also attacked President Joe Biden and repeated false claims that he had won the 2020 presidential election for the first time after leaving the White House about six weeks ago, Reuters said.

According to Reuters, former President Trump made the statement in a speech at the CPAC meeting in Orlando, Florida on the 28th (local time).

This is the first time that former President Trump has appeared in public after leaving office.

“The proud, hard-working American patriot movement is just beginning,” said former President Trump, “we will win in the end.”

He was not pleased with President Biden’s first week in office, especially criticizing President Biden’s border security policy, which completely changed his immigration policy.

“Who knows. I might even decide to win them third,” said former President Trump.

This was interpreted to mean running for presidential elections in 2016, 2020, and 2024.

Former President Trump also declared that the Republican Party was united and said that he had no plans to try the idea of ​​“the founding of the third party,” which he had discussed with his advisors over the past two months.

“We don’t start a new party,” he said. “We have a Republican Party. We’ll be stronger and one more than ever.”

According to Reuters, in a poll of CPAC attendees about the Republican presidential candidate, President Trump showed strong support at 55 percent.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took second place with 21 percent.

When former President Trump was absent, Governor Desantis took the lead with 43%, while other Republican candidates scored single digits.

But not everyone supported former President Trump.

When asked if he should rerun for the 2024 presidential election in a poll, 68% said they should run, but 32% disagree or disagree.

“We have a very sick and corrupt election process,” said former President Trump. “This election was a fraudulent election. The Supreme Court and the other courts didn’t want to do anything about it.”

In response, attendees at the event raised him up with “You won!”, AFP said.

It is reported that former President Trump is also planning to set up a Super PAC (Special Political Action Committee) to support candidates that reflect Trump’s policy in the future.

On that day, former President Trump also mentioned that he wanted to save the American culture and identity. He also attacked President Biden, pointing out immigration and security surrounding the border between the United States and Mexico, and the slow resumption of schools due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

He also said, “President Biden had the first month of the most miserable president in modern history.”

But in a recent poll, President Biden’s approval rating is well over 50 percent, AFP said.

The White House has announced its policy to ignore former President Trump’s CPAC comments. White House spokesman Jen Saki said, “We’re not focusing on what former President Trump is saying.”

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