Trump’s sung “a supernatural landscape”…two nuclear bags wandered around

At the inauguration ceremony of the 46th president of the United States on the 20th (local time), two’nuclear control rights’ crossed. Two nuclear bags that could command the US to launch nuclear missiles were roaming. It was attributable to former President Donald Trump, who said he would not attend the inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden’s new president.

Trump Mongni That Stacks Two Nuclear Bags
‘Button’ that can give orders for nuclear attack
There are 3~4 such as president and vice president

Before the inauguration ceremony of President Joe Biden on the 20th (local time), an officer carrying a nuclear bag on President Biden's side enters the US Capitol, the inauguration hall.  The bag on the left (right hand) is a nuclear bag. [Mike DeBonis 트위터 계정 캡처]

Before the inauguration ceremony of President Joe Biden on the 20th (local time), an officer carrying a nuclear bag on President Biden’s side enters the US Capitol, the inauguration hall. The bag on the left (right hand) is a nuclear bag. [Mike DeBonis 트위터 계정 캡처]

In general, nuclear bags are handed over right after the new president is sworn in. But this time it was different.

Former President Trump left for the Andrews Air Force Base from the White House in Marine One, a presidential helicopter, around 8:20 am. At this time, an officer carrying a nuclear bag followed former President Trump. Around 11:15 am, an officer with another nuclear bag entered the Parliament House, where Biden’s inauguration was held.

On the 20th (local time), before former US President Donald Trump leaves the White House, an officer carries a nuclear bag by a helicopter dedicated to the president.  The bag in front is the nuclear bag. [AFP]

On the 20th (local time), before former US President Donald Trump leaves the White House, an officer carries a nuclear bag by a helicopter dedicated to the president. The bag in front is the nuclear bag. [AFP]

At 12 p.m., when President Trump’s term ends and President Biden’s term begins, the power to launch nuclear weapons was handed over from President Trump to President Biden. As the hack code changed automatically. As a result, the nuclear bag that followed former President Trump became unusable. Of course, the’nuclear bag officer’ who served former President Trump to Florida came back to Washington with this nuclear bag.

The official name of the nuclear bag is’Presidential Emergency Satchel’. It is a briefcase made by a bag company called Zero Halliburton. The outside was painted black.

A nuclear bag on display at the Smithsonian American History Museum.  The officer carrying this bag tied a metal string to his wrist to prevent loss. [스미소니언 박물관]

A nuclear bag on display at the Smithsonian American History Museum. The officer carrying this bag tied a metal string to his wrist to prevent loss. [스미소니언 박물관]

In the United States, it is better known by the nickname’Football’ or’Nuclear Football’ than the official name. It is said that the nuclear attack plan was derived from the codename Dropkick. Drop kick refers to a kick in football (American football) when the ball is dropped to the ground and bounced. The nuclear bag is big enough to hold a football ball.

The nuclear bag was operated in earnest under the direction of President John F. Kennedy, who experienced the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. This is because we believe that we need a means to immediately counterattack with nuclear weapons in the event of a sudden nuclear attack by the enemy.

The nuclear bag contains a blackbook containing a nuclear attack plan, a guide to the evacuation site for the president, a folder containing emergency broadcast instructions, and a card with a nuclear attack order security code. In addition, communication equipment to transmit the nuclear code was built-in.

When former U.S. President Donald Trump visited South Korea in November 2017, a U.S. Navy officer carrying a nuclear bag is carrying it out.  Reporter Lee Cheol-jae

When former U.S. President Donald Trump visited South Korea in November 2017, a U.S. Navy officer carrying a nuclear bag is carrying it out. Reporter Lee Cheol-jae

The hack code card is also called a biscuit. A combination of letters and numbers is written to identify the commander of the nuclear attack as the president. You need a nuclear code to order a nuclear attack. This is why the nuclear bag is regarded as a symbol of the president’s military control.

Nuclear bags should always be in close proximity to the President of the United States. Active duty officers at the ranks of the British government take turns carrying nuclear bags and following the US President. In case of emergency, the vice president also moves with the nuclear bag. That is why President Biden, who served as vice president for eight years during the Obama administration, said he knew very well about nuclear bags. Vice President Kamala Harris should learn the nuclear bag and nuclear attack procedures this time. Nuclear bags maintained by the Vice President within a short distance are authorized to use in the case of the president’s absence.

According to security sources, there are one or two more nuclear bags. It is used by designated survivors in an emergency.

Russia also has a nuclear bag.  At the 2012 Russian presidential takeover ceremony, the new President Vladimir Putin (left column right) is handing over a nuclear bag from former President Dmitry Medvedev (center left column). [러시아 대통령실]

Russia also has a nuclear bag. At the 2012 Russian presidential takeover ceremony, the new President Vladimir Putin (left column right) is handing over a nuclear bag from former President Dmitry Medvedev (center left column). [러시아 대통령실]

Former President Trump has a lot of anecdotes about nuclear bags. During his visit to China on November 9, 2017, when former President Trump and his party entered the Beijing People’s Congress, an officer with a nuclear bag could not be held back by the Chinese side. Then there were reports of a struggle between the US and Chinese attendants. In the end, the Chinese side apologized and said that the two countries agreed not to inform the outside world.

On January 2, 2018, former President Trump tweeted, “North Korean leader Kim Jong-un just said’the nuclear button is always on the desk’, and I learned that there is a bigger and more powerful nuclear button than he has, which is food hungry and depleted. Will someone in the regime tell him please?” he wrote. He added, “My buttons work too!”

At that time, Chairman Kim said in his New Year’s address that “the nuclear button is always on my office desk,” which was a response from former President Trump. One of the nicknames of the nuclear bag is button.

Reporter Lee Cheol-jae [email protected]
