Trump’s second impeachment bill for “incitement to civil war” five days after the first parliamentary occupation

US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. [AP=연합뉴스]

US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. [AP=연합뉴스]

The Democratic Party of the United States began impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump on the 11th (local time). It has been five days since supporters occupied the Congress after hearing President Trump’s speech on the 6th, interfering with the Senate and House joint meeting.

The Democratic Party initiated an impeachment proceeding against President Trump in the House of Representatives. The impeachment proposal was signed by more than 200 Democratic House members, and it is most likely to pass. The vote is expected to take place as early as the 13th. When the impeachment bill passes, Trump becomes the first US president to be impeached twice in the House of Representatives.

In the impeachment bill, there is a suspicion that President Trump instigated a civil war during the congressional occupation on the 6th. It was also reported that just before protesters raided Congress, President Trump made a statement advocating lawless and violent acts in a speech in front of the protesters.

The impeachment proposal is likely to pass if a vote is voted on at the House plenary session on the 13th. More than half (218) of the total should approve, and more than 200 Democrats have signed up to date. If the impeachment bill passes through the House of Representatives, President Trump will face a second impeachment just nine days before his term of office.

However, in the Senate, it is not easy to pass because two-thirds (67) must approve of the impeachment trial. Democrats and Republicans each have 50 seats in the Senate. In the early days of the inauguration of the next administration of Joe Biden, skepticism about the impeachment is also emerging from some of the Democratic parties because it is important to maintain a stance of cooperation rather than setting up a corner with the Republicans over Trump impeachment.

The Democratic Party submitted a separate resolution to Vice President Mike Pence on that day to disqualify President Trump from his duties. Article 25 of the Amendment allows the President to be excluded from office if the Vice President and more than half of the Cabinet agree upon a situation in which the President cannot rule. The vice president acts as the president.

The Democratic Party tried to pass unanimously on this day, but it failed due to the interception of Republican lawmakers. Instead, it is scheduled to be voted on in the House of Representatives on the 12th. If the resolution is passed, Vice President Pence must reveal within 24 hours whether or not the 25th Amendment will be invoked. Otherwise, the Democratic Party notified that it would impeach President Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the ball to Vice President Pence.

Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
