Trump’s lawsuit against presidential elections finally ended… Supreme Court dismisses the last case

Input 2021.03.09 08:30

Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s “president objection” lawsuit has finally ended.

According to Bloomberg on the 8th, the U.S. Supreme Court appealed against the invalid lawsuit filed by former President Trump on the day, saying, “The Wisconsin State Election Commission enacted a vote-by-mail rule that ignored state law and expanded absentee voting to violate the Constitution. I dismissed it. The Supreme Court did not separately disclose whether the judges’ opinions or objections to the decision were made.

Even the Supreme Court, whose conservative propensity for six out of nine judges, has not given the hand of former President Trump. In order for the Supreme Court to accept an appeal, the Chief Justice and at least four of the eight judges must agree. In other words, less than four judges agreed to this appeal.

Former President Trump was previously judged to lose in the first and second federal trials. Reuters said, “All three complaints filed by former President Trump at the Supreme Court at the end of his tenure were dismissed on this day,” he said. “The other two were dismissed last month.”

Former US President Donald Trump. /Reuters Yonhap News

After retiring from office, Trump continues to argue that’the last year’s presidential election was stolen through widespread voting fraud and fraud. However, dozens of lawsuits filed by him and his aides were all dismissed in court.
