Trump’s last minute’amnesty lobby’ was held… “Billions of entourages received and solicited”

The New York Times (NYT) reported on the 17th (local time) that the’lobby mayor’ stood to get the president’s pardon before US President Donald Trump left the White House. It is said that amidst Trump’s amnesty until the last minute of his term, his aides also started to’sell pardons’.

NYT reported that Trump election camp officials received $50,000 in commission for the pardon of John Kiriaku, convicted of disclosing confidential information as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In addition, when the amnesty is concluded, it is decided to receive an additional 50,000 dollar’success compensation’.

The New York Times reported that a lobbying mayor has been formed with constant requests for pardons to President Donald Trump, who is about to end his term. [AP=연합뉴스]

The New York Times reported that a lobbying mayor has been formed with constant requests for pardons to President Donald Trump, who is about to end his term. [AP=연합뉴스]

The New York Times reported that if the former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump’s private attorney, goes out to pardon Kiriaku’s pardon, the New York Times reported.

John Kiriaku [트위터]

John Kiriaku [트위터]

President Trump’s former private attorney, John Dodd, received tens of thousands of dollars from a brutal offender, saying he could “put an pardon” for his relationship with the president.

Brett Tolman, a former federal prosecutor who has advised the White House on amnesty, has collected a small fee from several people in recent weeks as a condition of amnesty. From the founder of the illegal online black market, the son of a former senator, and a fraudulent socialite in Manhattan, New York.

Brett Tolman [트위터]

Brett Tolman [트위터]

It is not illegal in itself to lobby for pardons, according to NYT. However, it is pointed out that at the end of this term, the’ask for pardon’ is unprecedented and is related to Trump’s arbitrary exercise of pardon.

Donald Trump Administration's Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn [중앙포토]

Donald Trump Administration’s Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn [중앙포토]

After being defeated by President-elect Joe Biden in the last November presidential election, President Trump began with former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, an aide convicted in relation to the “Russian scandal” or a court ruling, his in-law Charles Kushner (The father of Senior White House Adviser Jared Kushner) has already pardoned about 30 people.

He also pardoned or reinstated a black drug offender who spoke for himself at the Republican National Convention last year. Alice Marie Johnson served in prison after being sentenced to life imprisonment in 1996 for carrying drugs and laundering money. The US Democratic Party has been criticized for “abusing the president’s authority for political events.”

President Donald Trump pardoned Alice Johnson, a drug offender, in the White House office. [AP=연합뉴스]

President Donald Trump pardoned Alice Johnson, a drug offender, in the White House office. [AP=연합뉴스]

In July of last year, he pardoned Roger Stone, a 40-year keeper and closest close friend.

In February of last year, Stone was sentenced to 40 months in prison for seven serious crimes, including perjury to parliament, perjury teachers against witnesses, and interfering with the Russian presidential election investigation. He has been Trump’s lobbyist since the 1980s and has been a political adviser for the 2016 presidential camp, intervening in the disclosure of tens of thousands of emails from the Hillary Clinton Camp and Democratic National Committee hacked by Russian intelligence agencies through WikiLeaks.

President Trump also pardoned Roger Stone (pictured), his 40-year keeper. [EPA=연합뉴스]

President Trump also pardoned Roger Stone (pictured), his 40-year keeper. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Those who were arrested for invading the US Congress on the 6th are also asking President Trump to pardon them. To date, more than 100 people have been arrested in the case of the invasion of Congress. “We all deserve President Trump’s pardon,” said Jenna Ryan, a Texas real estate agent who was arrested by the FBI.

Trump supporters broke into the US Capitol on the afternoon of the 6th, and a joint meeting of the Senate and House was halted to confirm the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. [CNN 캡처]

Trump supporters broke into the US Capitol on the afternoon of the 6th, and a joint meeting of the Senate and House was halted to confirm the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. [CNN 캡처]

Margaret Love, who was in charge of the Department of Justice’s amnesty, criticized NYT as “a deal that undermines the Department’s longstanding efforts to keep the process fair.”

Meanwhile, the British Guardian reported, “It is not uncommon for the US president to pardon until just before leaving the White House,” and “Former President Bill Clinton also pardoned billionaire Mark Richie before retiring in 2001.” Jewish financial conglomerate Mark Rich was indicted in 1983 on charges of tax evasion worth $45 million, and faced life imprisonment. However, the pardon on Bill Clinton’s retirement day brought controversy.

Reporter Seo Yujin [email protected]
