Trump’s impeachment potential shrinks… “It is difficult to expect a Republican revolt”

Input 2021.01.25 13:46

A bill of impeachment proceedings against former US President Donald Trump is passed to the Senate on the 25th (local time). According to the agreement of both parties, the impeachment trial is expected to begin on the 9th of next month.

However, the possibility of impeachment seems to decrease over time. In order for the impeachment bill to pass the Senate, at least 17 Republican lawmakers must join all the Democrats, and Republican internal opposition is increasing day by day.

United States Republican Senator Marco Rubio. /AP Yonhap News

Republican Senator Marco Rubio appeared on Fox News on the 24th, saying, “(The impeachment trial) is stupid and unproductive,” and said, “This country is already in fire. Impeachment pours oil on it. “I was blamed. It is somewhat correct that Trump incited supporters on the 6th to invade the parliament, but it is pointed out that impeachment cannot be the answer.

Senator Rubio was also concerned that Trump’s impeachment could lead to a false precedent. “The accountability can be held in other ways. If the target is the president, you need to be particularly careful,” he said. “The impeachment trial will further divide this country already paralyzed with hatred.”

Senator Mike Round said the impeachment was “not worth considering.” It is explained that with Trump already withdrawn, further promotion is meaningless. Rep. Round said, “I think it is constitutionally impossible to impeach the former president. There are many other issues to focus on, such as approval of the cabinet.”

Republican elders are making similar comments. Senator John Conin, who has 19 years of experience in the Senate, tweeted on the 23rd, “If it’s a good idea to impeach the former president, what do you think of doing the same to the former Democratic presidents when the Republican Party became the majority in 2022?” Think carefully about what will be best for your country,” he wrote. Senate Chairman Roger Wicker affirmed that “It is unlikely that (Trump) will be convicted.”

Even Senate Secretary John Thun said, “The point of view is not good.” Tune is a person who was expected to throw a’rebellion vote’ due to frequent friction with Trump. Like Tune, Senator Susan Collins, who had a dissonance with Trump, said this prediction in the party was “not an absurd conclusion.”

Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell is also said to have said, “I couldn’t decide whether to approve the impeachment proposal.” In connection with the invasion of Congress, McConnell has pointed to Trump as “the one who stimulated the mob.”

However, according to CNN, his position has been shaken after the remarks, so if he agrees to the impeachment, he could be pushed out of the position of the in-house representative. In fact, he has actively postponed the impeachment trial schedule, saying,’We must give Trump time to prepare enough.’

Jacob Chansley, a supporter of former U.S. President Donald Trump, broke into the Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021. /Reuters Yonhap News

Of course, the possibility of some of the Republican lawmakers leaving cannot be ruled out yet. This is because, in connection with the invasion of Congress, there have been unfavorable statements against Trump.

Jacob Chansley, who was undressing his jacket and wearing a horn hat, appeared in Congress and received attention, said in an investigation by the authorities that he was “just following the president’s word to come to Washington on the 6th.” Chansley is a member of QAnon, a far-right conspiracy group, and in an interview with NBC at the time, he said, “There are traitors in Parliament,” and “(parliamentary invasion) is our biggest victory.”

“We are following President Trump,” said Gina Ryan, a real estate agent who was investigated by the FBI. “President Trump told us to go there.” . In this regard, the Associated Press said, “Unlike a criminal trial that considers the credibility of a statement on a strict basis, the Senate can consider anything it wants.” “It will exert a lot of power in the game.”

To date, five Republican senators, including Mitt Romney, have said they are in favor of Trump’s impeachment. If only 12 more lawmakers come out here, the impeachment can be realized. Earlier in the House of Representatives, 10 Republican lawmakers voted in favor of the impeachment.

The question is whether the impeachment of the former president is unconstitutional. In a recent report, the US Congressman said, “The Constitution does not give a clear answer on whether the impeachment of the former president is possible, but scholars have concluded that Congress has the power to expand the subject of impeachment to its predecessor.” However, these are only opinions and are subject to debate.

Meanwhile, 5,000 national guards are expected to remain in Washington DC until mid-March in case of an emergency. This is because there are still security concerns, such as conspiracy theories among far-right groups centering on Qurenan.

Representatively, there is a conspiracy theory that Trump will take office on March 4. As Trump is the’real’ president of the United States, it is read as the logic that it is appropriate to appear on the traditional inauguration date. The inauguration date of the US president was originally March 4, but it was changed to January 20 when the 20th Amendment of the 1933 Constitution was prepared. Former President Franklin Roosevelt thus began his second term in 1935 on January 20.
