Trump’s entourage resignation… “let’s end the nightmare” impeachment of even Republicans

Transportation Minister Elaine Chao expressed his gratitude on the 7th. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Transportation Minister Elaine Chao expressed his gratitude on the 7th. [EPA=연합뉴스]

The aftermath of the invasion of Congress by US President Donald Trump’s supporters is intensifying. With the spread of recognition that President Trump instigated violence, the possibility of application of the 25th Amendment to the amendment began to be debated, with executive ministers resigning one after another and suspending the presidency.

Transportation Minister Chao resigns as Deputy Advisor for National Security at Potinger
Miller’s Defense, Acting Homeland Security Minister Wolf, Criticizes Protests
“The President can’t be in office for another day…I have to suspend my job.”
Following the Democratic Party, the Republican Party also joins discussions on suspension and impeachment

Transportation Minister Elaine Chao announced on the 7th (local time) that he would resign because of the violence in the parliament the day before. In his letter, he wrote, “It was very shocking, and it was totally preventable,” and that the problem “just afflicted me beyond aside.” Minister Chao is the highest rank among the Trump administration ministers who have expressed appreciation after the congressional occupation.

Transportation Minister Elaine Chao and Senate Republican Republican Mitch McConnell and wife. [AP=연합뉴스]

Transportation Minister Elaine Chao and Senate Republican Republican Mitch McConnell and wife. [AP=연합뉴스]

Chinese Minister Chao is the wife of Senate Representative Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in Congress. President McConnell has been working with President Trump for the past four years, but has turned before Congress’s Biden-elect win. When some Republican lawmakers made a move to stop the confirmation of Biden’s victory, the opposition was clear.

Matthew Pottinger, Deputy Advisor for National Security at the White House, resigned on the 7th. [AP=연합뉴스]

Matthew Pottinger, Deputy Advisor for National Security at the White House, resigned on the 7th. [AP=연합뉴스]

White House National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger also expressed his gratitude for the congressional occupation, public broadcasters NPR and others reported. Potinger joined the Trump administration as a senior assistant in charge of Asia at the National Security Council (NSC) to deal with the North Korean nuclear issue and the Korean Peninsula, and was promoted to NSC No. 2 in 2019.

When the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) landed in the U.S. last year, it was the first to detect the severity of the key staff, ban entry to the U.S. from China and Europe, and lead the response by installing the Corona 19 Task Force (TF) at the White House. did.

Stephanie Grisham, Chief Secretary of the First Lady of the United States. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Stephanie Grisham, Chief Secretary of the First Lady of the United States. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Stephanie Grisham, former White House spokesman and chief secretary for First Lady Melania Trump, and Northern Ireland envoy Mick Mulvaini, former White House secretary, also announced their resignation. Ryan Turley, senior director of NSC Europe and Russia, and deputy spokesman Sarah Matthews, also resigned, Fox News reported.

Some ministers did not express their appreciation, but strongly condemned the violence. Acting Defense Minister Christopher Miller said in a statement that he strongly criticized the congressional violence as “an act contrary to constitutional principles and democracy,” and that “we will peacefully transfer power to President-elect Joe Biden on the 20th.”

Acting Homeland Security Minister Chad Wolfe criticized the violence as “tragic and disgusting,” urging President Trump to join the condemnation. For a few hours, President Du Trump withdrew Wolf’s nomination for minister.

As the perception that President Trump’s dissatisfaction with the presidential election has crossed the line due to the unprecedented congressional occupation, it is expected that more and more bureaucrats will resign. However, some point out that the resignation of the Trump administration with only 13 days left will not only create a void in national security, but also hinder the smooth transfer of power.

As National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and other White House staff are known to review the resignation, Senator Mike Lee and other Republican lawmakers are holding back the resignation, the Washington Post said. CNN reported that there were calls to convincing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Intelligence Agency John Ratcliffe that they should not resign.

Some point out that it is too late to criticize Trump administration’s ministers for their resignation or objection to the presidential election. Is it appropriate to condone Trump’s overwhelming victory in the presidential election or agree to dissatisfaction and then break up with the president now?

Rather, it is a criticism that it hinders the takeover and handover to the next administration of Biden. As if recognizing this, Chao said in a letter that he would help the nominee of his successor, Pete Booty, take over the work. Minister Chao resigned on the 11th, 9 days before the end of the Trump administration’s term.

“The President can’t be in office for another day…I have to suspend my job.”

As criticism spreads of President Trump’s incitement of supporters invading the parliament, claims that the president should be held accountable are rising. It is argued that the presidential office was suspended under Article 25 of the Amendment, or that Congress should impeach it, although only 13 days remain.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks to reporters a day after supporters of US President Donald Trump occupied the Capitol, during a news conference in Washington, US, January 7, 2021.REUTERS/Erin Scott?  TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY 〈Copyright (c) Yonhap News, Unauthorized Reprint-No Redistribution〉

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks to reporters a day after supporters of US President Donald Trump occupied the Capitol, during a news conference in Washington, US, January 7, 2021.REUTERS/Erin Scott? TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY 〈Copyright (c) Yonhap News, Unauthorized Reprint-No Redistribution〉

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that day, “I urge the Vice President and the Cabinet to suspend President Trump’s duties.” If the Vice President and the Cabinet reject this, they convened a congress and announced that they would impeach the President.

Senate Democratic Party leader Chuck Schumer also said, “The president should not be in office for one more day.”

Article 25 of the Amendment stipulates the President’s inability to perform his duties and succession issues. If the President judged that he could not perform his powers and duties, the vice president was asked to act on his behalf.

When the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet declare that the President is not suitable for performing his duties and send a letter to Congress, the Vice President will act as the President’s authority. If the President disagrees, duties are suspended if two-thirds or more of the Senate and House of Representatives each approve.

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger called for the suspension of President Donald Trump, a member of the same party. [AP=연합뉴스]

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger demanded that President Donald Trump, a member of the same party, be suspended from office. [AP=연합뉴스]

The Republican Party also joined the discussions centered on Democrats. Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger (Illinois) said, “Yesterday the President not only gave up his duty to protect the people and Congress, but also fueled and lit the uprising we saw.” It’s time to do it.”

He appeared on Fox News, saying, “We need a sane captain so that the people can stay safe in the remaining weeks,” and insisted that President Trump was unsuitable for his job.

Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
