Trump’s “corona statistic exaggeration” claim… Experts all rebuttal


In the United States, controversy continues over the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths. When President Trump insisted that the death toll was too exaggerated, experts allegedly countered. Connect Washington.

Correspondent Pil-gyu Kim, what did President Trump specifically insist?


President Trump posted it on Twitter on the 3rd local time. “Other countries deliberately report very inaccurate and low numbers of Chinese virus outbreaks and deaths. In the United States, the CDC has overstated the number because of the ridiculous measurement method.

According to the current count at Johns Hopkins University, as of the 3rd, the number of corona 19 infections in the United States exceeded 2,045 million and more than 350,000 deaths.

In the meantime, President Trump insisted that the amount of damage in the United States was overstated even during the election, but he made the same argument again at the beginning of the year when the damage became severe.


Director Anthony Pouch immediately refuted, right?


I criticized this head-on in a broadcast interview, so let’s listen to it.

[앤서니 파우치/미 국립알레르기·전염병 연구소장(ABC 방송) : 죽음은 진짜 죽음입니다. 이나라 많은 곳에 병상이 늘어서 있어요. 당장 병상이 부족하고, 지친 의료진들도 부족합니다. 그건 진짜죠. 가짜가 아닙니다.]

The number of confirmed cases is increasing, and hospitals have become saturated, and the claim that the damage was exaggerated is nonsense.

Jerome Adams, who is the head of the public health service, also appeared on CNN and was asked, “Is the number of COVID-19 deaths real?”


And right now, in the US, there is controversy about the lack of vaccination?


The US government initially set a goal of vaccinating 20 million people by the end of the year, but it did not.

Then President Trump also tweeted, “Vaccines are being delivered to states by the federal government faster than states can enforce.”

So, while making and distributing the vaccine was successful, it was the responsibility of the state to give it.

Director Anthony Pouch said in an interview that day, “I have received 1.5 million doses in the past 72 hours. This is an average of 500,000 doses per day, which is much faster than the first time.”

At the same time, he also asked to watch for a week, a week and a half.


Finally, let’s briefly review the contents of the relationship between the US and the United States. Did Secretary of State Pompeo boast of achievements toward North Korea since the beginning of the year?


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted pictures of the 2019 Panmunjom North American Summit on Twitter on the 2nd local time.

In the meantime, in the midst of posting a post that seems to be looking back on his actions, about 10 issues related to the North Korean nuclear issue and the Korean Peninsula were included, including the North American summit.

He also posted a picture of himself shaking hands with Chairman Kim Jong-un, saying, “As the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), he started negotiations with Chairman Kim.”

As he is considered one of the next Republican presidents, some analyzes say whether it contains a political message.
