Trump’s bitter exit… Pence goes to Biden’s inauguration instead of’self farewell party’

CNN Delivers Vice President Pence Schedule

After attending Biden’s inauguration ceremony, it is difficult to attend the Trump farewell party

US Vice President Mike Pence (left) and President Donald Trump./EPA Yonhap News

President Donald Trump is expected to face a lonely retirement.

CNN broadcast reported on the 19th (local time) that US Vice President Mike Pence will not attend the farewell ceremony of President Donald Trump.

CNN, citing two sources from Pence’s side, observed that Vice President Pence was not expected to attend Trump’s farewell event to be held at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, DC before the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on the 20th.

Vice President Pence is expected to attend Biden’s inauguration ceremony instead of the farewell event. Although the times don’t overlap, Pence’s source explained that going to President Trump’s farewell ceremony and attending the inauguration ceremony is technically difficult.

Vice-President Pence’s absence is likely to have been influenced by the intensifying discord with President Trump following the invasion of Congress.

President Trump pressured to overturn the results of the presidential election at a joint Senate-House Meeting on the 6th, but Vice President Pence, who presided over the meeting, refused. Unlike President Trump, who said he would not go to Biden’s inauguration ceremony, Vice President Pence also attends the inauguration ceremony by custom.

However, Vice President Pence is likely to see off President Trump on the morning of the 20th from Southron, the White House, when he moves to Andrews Air Force Base on a dedicated helicopter Marine One.

US Vice President Mike Pence announced to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he would oppose the invocation of Article 25 of the Amendment to deprive President Donald Trump of his duties, the Associated Press and other US media reported on the 12th (local time). In a letter to Chairman Pelosi, he said that the invocation of Article 25 “I do not think it is best for the national interest or in line with the Constitution.” The photo shows Vice President Pence at the White House in Washington, DC last November during a press briefing on the’high-speed operation’ for the development and distribution of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine. /yunhap news

President Trump is the first in history to leave the White House without going to the inauguration of his successor and holding a farewell event. It is known that the White House sends invitations to the farewell event to acquaintances and close associates of President Trump. The invitation letter says the time is 8 am. It is said that President Trump and former White House Public Affairs Commissioner Anthony Skaramuch, who pretends, also received an invitation. He explained that this seemed to have happened while the White House was in a hurry to distribute the invitation letter, saying he had no intention of attending CNN.

At the end of his tenure, Vice President Pence will travel between his hometown of Indiana and Washington, DC, according to CNN. Vice President Pence was appointed President Trump’s running mate when he was governor of Indiana.

/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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