Trump’Rebellion’… What made supporters a monster

● The unprecedented ‘attempted coup’ incident … Trump is in the face of pardon

I thought I had experienced almost all of the shocking events that can be seen in Washington DC, including the worst coronavirus outbreak last year, the fierce protest against racism and the unprecedented impeachment incident. But it didn’t take long to realize that it was an illusion. The parliamentary riot in 200 years, surpassing the pandemic in 100 years (a global pandemic), was a shock in the eyes of foreign journalists like me watching this. Even President Trump, who has acted as a crazier, has a line that must be kept as a member of a civilized society. It is undeniable that the shocking Parliamentary riots were nothing short of a civil war, and it was President Trump who fueled them. Everything is videotaped, and as usual, you can’t lie to say that Trump never said that. Of the flatland winds that President Trump has caused, this situation has the greatest impact, and the opinion of responsibility is also fierce.

Shoes on the chairman's desk...  Trump's declaration of victory

The shock to American society is more than ever. On the day of the congressional riots on the 6th local time, US terrestrial broadcasters cut off all regular broadcasts and broadcast the situation live. In politics, liberals and conservatives have criticized President Trump with one voice. President Trump eventually came out and finally admitted to losing the presidential election. (Of course, the word seungbok does not appear in this speech. He passively kept the usual rant of not obedience in this way, but eventually admitted defeat.) He promised a peaceful regime change, and was a participant in the congressional violence. I also criticized it strongly. But everyone knows that this kind of banquet came out reluctantly. On the day of the incident, President Trump urged extreme protests, saying that he had to go to Congress and show his supporters’ strength. Even after the violence broke out, the protesters were special people, and they did not forget to leave a meticulous support message saying that they love them. In the meantime, in order to escape this situation, they took the shape of abandoning some of their supporters. Trump conspiracy theorists are claiming that the power that raided the Parliamentary Party was the “anti-pas” of the far left, and it seems that these riots are inspired by these claims to assume that the riots are disguised as Trump supporters.

● To investigate impeachment promotion… Trump needs to worry about completing his term

A proposal to suspend President Trump’s office is being discussed through Article 25 of the Amendment, but it is difficult to realize due to Vice President Pence’s lukewarm attitude. Once realized, it’s the fastest way to halt President Trump’s office, but it’s unlikely to be realistic. The debate on impeachment is being discussed in the Democratic Party, centering on House Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer, but it remains to be seen whether this will go well until the end. The incident is far more criminal than the Ukrainian scandal that sparked the impeachment case last year, but the problem is that President Trump’s term of office is too short. If Biden-elect promotes impeachment with a will, it could ignite, but Biden is not showing active will. The inauguration ceremony is approaching, probably because of the situation where we are starting with a big homework that is difficult to handle, called the Corona Pandemic. Promoting Trump’s impeachment will almost certainly disperse the power of the state administration and makes it difficult to focus on the most important things in the early days of the regime. It seems to me that impeachment was not helpful in putting out an urgent fire. Since impeachment is a political act in itself, political side effects must also be considered. Trump’s strong supporters, which are still unbearable, could unite in the wake of the impeachment. If this happens, the Biden administration may have to fight Trump’s shadow rather than a pandemic from the start of the regime.

State National Guard deployed around the US Capitol, where a night curfew was imposed.

The parliamentary riot investigation is something to watch out for. Washington DC Attorney General Sherwin announced that he would investigate the incident for a conspiracy. When asked if Trump is also subject to investigation, Sherwin replied that “if allegations are proven, all will be investigated.” While this is in principle, you can read the message that the President may be subject to prosecution. (The Washington DC Prosecutors’ Office was also responsible for the Welcome-to-Video Son Jung-woo case.) Trump’s biggest concern is expected to be criminal prosecution. Of course, he will try to avoid the brunt of the investigation through a self-pardon just before his term of office, but the act itself can also create complex political ramifications. Even if you exercise your self-pardon, it is almost certain that a lawsuit will take place as the legality controversy arises. In the end, you may not know what the outcome will be at court, and exercising your right of pardon may be an acknowledgment that you have had a judicial error. What’s more, if the investigation reveals that Trump was at fault in the congressional riots, the impeachment debate could quickly rage. The president, who has less than five days in office, has to worry about whether he will be able to defend the White House until the end. Even the staff on the shipwreck are busy paying their resignations to find their way to live. In the past, the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Education, who had a good relationship with Trump, have joined the ranks of resignation. The White House, several key cabinet positions, have resigned. President Trump had to show him firing a staff member who tried to leave, even through time-dated tweet firing, but he didn’t think he would be abandoned in this way by his subordinates.

● The atmosphere of protests was completely different before and after Trump’s speech

Trump supporters’ rally held on the 6th (US time) the day the US Senate and the House of Representatives confirmed Biden-elect as president, the beginning of the rally was no different from the usual rally. At that rally, Trump had been calling his supporters from a long time ago, and even announced that he was speaking the day before. It was a weekday and it was not easy to gather a lot of people because of the cold weather, but it was quite successful at the box office. It wasn’t as massive as the first protest rally held on November 15 last year, but it was crowded enough for supporters to fill Constitution Avenue and stand up to the top of Washington Monument Hill. It was a scale that could be said to be tens of thousands of people. There were many people from other states, which took a few hours by car, and it seems that many of the supporters thought it was the last chance to see Trump as president.

President Trump's supporters occupied the US Congress (Photo Credit=Getty Image Korea)

There were many Trump supporters who came out heavily armed with bulletproof vests with gas gun sprays, etc. It didn’t look much different than usual. Few people still wore masks, and the Trump flag came out almost like a basic prop. (I’ve been asking quite a few questions about the corona, but few people would get the vaccine. Trump supporters again felt that there was a strong resistance to the vaccine.)

Whenever Trump supporters are interviewed, their unity with the president is so great that they are often surprised. In fact, the majority of the Trump remarks are copied almost at the level of a copy without even considering the relationship. In particular, this time, the court case was all lost and defeat was confirmed, but when asked about it, the supporters rather criticized the court. As a fan of politicians, I can’t say anything to believe that there was a fraudulent election, but almost all of them refer to the conspiracy theory I saw on Facebook and YouTube, so it felt meaningless to ask any more questions. Some felt like a god of conspiracy theories.

Thousands of people gathered on the lawn in front of the monument, but it was really quiet when President Trump was giving his speech. I was very immersive because they wanted to listen to Trump’s speech. There were so many people that it was difficult to move in the future, but some people who thought they couldn’t see it even climbed on the tree and listened. I was worried that it would climb too much and break. After all, it was clear that Trump’s support fever was still hot among the supporters.

Trump’s speech that day was overly inflammatory. The monks couldn’t even die, and I kept talking to show my strength by rushing to the council, but I could feel the people simmer. I marched in the parliament, vigorously like people who had been given a stimulant shot, but the atmosphere was not so bad. Even in interviews, I was overly hostile, and there were quite a few people who showed their anger even in foreign media. In the United States, a free country, there have been cases in which people criticized why they wore masks, and supporters who were mistaken for a Chinese media company swearing for returning to the reporters. I met and interviewed quite a few Trump supporters during the presidential race, but it was the first time I met people who responded so harshly and aggressively. (Of course, it wasn’t all. Some Trump supporters kindly answered the interviews, and others handed me the videos they shot at the Capitol to be uploaded to a cloud service in the field.)

If Trump asks his supporters if he’s instigated violence, he has to say yes. To flock to Congress to show power is an instruction to influence the actions of Congress as guaranteed by the law. The president’s order can also be viewed as a kind of official business order. People who broke into the Capitol may have thought that the President would look after them even if they did this. He is a president who also pardons people he likes, but he may have done nothing wrong with his reassurance. Of course, the people who stood at the vanguard and smashed props could be seen as some sort of criminal expert, but among those who followed suit, there were many ordinary citizens. It is also true that there was a kind of crowd sentiment that Trump just told me to go, and there was a kind of crowd sentiment that other people went in. The answer was absurd when I grabbed a person who went inside the capitol and asked why he went there. The answer came back saying that there was a lot of illegal work going on, so I wanted to go in and check if I was working legally in Congress. It was a simple logic that the owner of the parliament was the people, and whether it was a problem for the owner to enter his house. There were many people who were talking about this, and it was widely shared through the conspiracy theory site.

Trump supporters invade US Congress (Photo Credit=Getty Image Korea)
US lawmakers hiding themselves under the seats of the plenary hall

Breaking glass windows in the process of entering the Capitol, climbing walls like a siege, and punching like a street fight with the police inside the Capitol were shocking as everyone feels. The scene of bodyguards firing firearms and firing tear gas is a matter of great concern no matter what country it happened. At night, I experienced again the State Guards pushing the protesters with shields. The soldiers you meet in the field create a feeling of pressure that is different from the police. It is an atmosphere where you can’t even complain if you get hit with a shield while being crushed. It is a shame in the United States that the military was put into the riots and crackdowns of the Capitol.

● The tragedy caused by the obsession with conspiracy theories… Trump turned all his entourage into enemies

When I saw President Trump, who posted conspiracy theories on Twitter, saying that it was evidence of illegal elections, I thought,’I think you really believe it.’ At first, I thought that collection of political funds was the goal, but it seemed true that there were so many people who believed in conspiracy theories, and that they were obsessed with denying their defeat by mobilizing conspiracy theories. Trump incited the media that no matter how untrue the elections were, the truth was only concealed by conspiracy theories to the public. At some point, I thought that the degree of obsession with conspiracy theories exceeded the degree, but in the end, I thought that the violent acts of supporters until the result of the presidential election could be taken as desired was a big defeat.


As a result, Trump made his most loyal subordinate Vice President Pence an enemy. ABC White House doorman Jonathan Carl also used to tell Trump without hesitation that Pence was the most loyal to him, and in fact, Pence used to put Trump’s praise at the fore in most public speaking. I have never rebelled against the President, and I have been faithfully performing my duties as Vice President Trump told me to do. However, Trump’s order to change the election results at the Senate and House meetings is not feasible without a North Korean-level dictatorship. If the vice-president can declare the elected at his own will, the question arises: What would he spend money and time on the presidential election? The vice president plays a social role in the congressional meetings that finalize the election. Those who come to the Academy Awards Ceremony to announce the awards are not allowed to announce the winners at will. Trump criticized Pence for ignoring even the basics of democracy and not moving at his will, and supporters who broke into the Capitol even cried harshly, “Hang the fence.” You cannot be loyal to such a boss. With Vice President Pence turning their backs, there are only conspiracy theorists around Trump, hoping for a price such as fame, money, and pardon.

Looking back last year alone, President Trump has had numerous opportunities. Even if we admitted the reality of the disease and emphasized one thing about wearing a mask in the early days of the coronavirus, the United States would not have reached this point. Even if they suffered the same damage as they are now, I think that even if they sympathized with the corona victims and comforted them a little more, the public sentiment would not have left this way. Trump was defeated by his own fault in a presidential election he could hardly lose. And I wonder if it will be evaluated by the history of not even acknowledging that defeat and throwing away even the chances of safe retirement from being irrational.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
