Trump veto is nullified…U.S. Senate re-decisions on Defense Authorization Act

Trump veto power, including the current maintenance of the USFK

The House of Representatives and the Senate also re-determined, neutralizing the veto

Foreign press “Trump’s big defeat at the end of his term of office through re-decision of the Republican Senate”

US vice president-elect Kamala Harris (left) enters the Washington DC Capitol to complete the Defense Authorization Act on the 1st (local time). /AFP Yonhap News

U.S. President Donald Trump’s right to veto legislation has been revoked in Congress.

At a plenary session on the first day of the new year (local time) on the first day of the year, the US Senate re-determined the 2021 Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with 81 votes in favor of 13 votes against it.

President Trump vetoed the bill, but after the House of Representatives re-determined it last month to invalidate it, even the Republican-led Senate vetoed the veto through a re-decision that day.

This is the first time that President Trump’s exercise of his veto has ceased to be effective due to a re-decision by both houses. In order to invalidate the president’s veto, more than two-thirds of the vote is required.

The bill contained a budget for defense and security worth $740 billion (about 807 trillion won), but President Trump exercised his veto on the 23rd of last month for reasons such as his request was not reflected.

However, the House of Representatives re-voted the NDAA on the 28th of last month with 322 votes in favor and 87 against. The Senate took over the bill and voted on that day after debating whether or not to vote again.

Prior to the president’s veto, the House of Representatives (335 in favor and 78 opposition) and the Senate (84 in favor and 13 opposition) each passed the bill with overwhelming support.

President Trump pointed out that the bill would violate the administration’s foreign policy to bring US troops stationed abroad to the US mainland, and it would limit the president’s authority to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, Germany and South Korea.

The Defense Authorization Act contains a provision that prohibits the use of budgets that reduce the size of US forces in Korea to less than the current 28,500. In addition, the Trump administration has already announced plans to reduce the reduction of US troops in Germany and Afghanistan, which also included a breakdown.

In addition, it did not include the abolition of Article 230 of the Communication Quality Act, which protects large social media companies such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook from taking legal responsibility for user content, and named after the general of the’Southern Union’ who advocated slavery. The reason for the veto is that the content of changing the name of the US military base was included.

Republican Senate Military Commissioner James Inhoff said today that the NDAA is pleased to vote again bipartisanly, saying the NDAA will provide the military with the necessary resources and make the United States safer.

The Senate and House of Representatives amid bipartisan consensus, and the veto power was invalidated, and at the end of his term, President Trump suffered a big blow. The AFP news agency said, “The parliament suffered a humiliating blow at the end of Trump’s rule with an overwhelming vote to nullify the veto.” Bloomberg News also said, “As the Republican-led Senate voted to invalidate the veto, Congress suffered a major defeat at the end of President Trump’s term.”

President Trump’s last attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election on the 6th is expected to be exhausted.

The Washington Post pointed out that as the president’s attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election and the recent coordination of the defense authorization bill have revealed a deep crack within the Republican Party as to how far legislators are willing to support President Trump, who is ending his term of office. All.

Reuters also said, “Republican lawmakers generally sided with him during Trump’s turbulent term.” .
/ Reporter Maeng Joon-ho [email protected]

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