Trump turns the call to “delay Biden’s approval” during US Congressional riots

Input 2021.01.09 19:37

It was argued that US President Donald Trump turned a call to “delay the approval of elected Joe Biden” to senators who were evacuating, rather than recovering the Capitol during the “parliamentary riot”.

According to CNN reports on the 9th (local time), President Trump delayed the approval of President-elect Joe Biden by calling a senator when pro-Trump protesters broke into the Capitol in Washington, DC on the 6th. In order to do so, he persuaded him to postpone the voting certification.

Thousands of protesters in support of US President Donald Trump gather at the Washington DC Capitol on the 6th (local time). Hundreds of them broke into the capitol and even occupied the rotunda. The occupation of protesters by the Capitol, a symbol of American democracy, is unprecedented in history. Congress was scheduled to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory that day, but the joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives was halted due to the intrusion of the Capitol. /yunhap news

Reportedly, President Trump called Republican Senator Mike Lee on that day and asked, “Is it Tommy Tuberville?” It was wrong for Lee to call Republican Senator Tuberville. At the time, Rep. Lee handed a phone to Rep. Tuberville, who was in the same place, evacuating the protesters to the waiting room. President Trump spoke with Congressman Tuberville for about 10 minutes and persuaded him to “further challenge the results of the electoral corps vote to further delay the approval of President-elect Biden.”

Later, President Trump’s private lawyer Rudolph Giuliani also called Lee. Giuliani also mistakenly called Lee instead of Tuberville, but left a voice message when Lee did not answer the phone. Giuliani introduced herself as’President Trump’s lawyer’ and left a message stating that “the congress will be reconvened at 8 pm today, and I hope to postpone it by tomorrow.”

CNN said President Trump had asked senators to block electoral votes even after Congress was reconvened.

On the 6th (local time) in the US Capitol in Washington DC, the unprecedented intrusion of protesters took place, and members of the House of Representatives in the main hall of the House are evacuating. /yunhap news

In addition, there are suspicions that President Trump and his aides have intentionally agitated the situation. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that the situation in which President Trump and his aides incited radical protests against supporters will be confirmed one after another, and a close investigation will be conducted.

In the weeks following the November 3 presidential election last year, President Trump and his aides alleged that the election was fabricated in various media interviews, speeches, and social media (SNS), urging supporters to come. President Trump’s private attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell attorneys, and former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn took the lead in alleging “election fraud”.

President Trump is currently on the verge of impeachment for inciting a congressional riot. U.S. law enforcement authorities are considering applying charges of civil rebellion to protesters in riots.
