Trump supporters again demonstrating force?… Biden’s inauguration ceremony’tension’


The U.S. Congress is pushing for impeachment against President Trump in earnest. As early as tomorrow (12th), the House may vote for a vote. On the 20th, when Biden takes office, some Trump supporters were caught planning some kind of action again. President Trump has said he will not attend Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Head of Ryu Jeong-hwa organized the related news.


[낸시 펠로시/미국 하원의장 (현지시간 지난 10일) : 트럼프 대통령은 부재중이지만, 두 번째 탄핵에 대한 하원의 강력한 지지가 있습니다.]

Now, with only nine days left in office, this man who is still smuggling international news is President Trump. A second impeachment bill against President Trump is due today. It is said that at least 195 Democrats in the House of Representatives have signed the motion for impeachment, which may be voted as early as tomorrow. On Wednesday of last week, we’re calling for responsibility for the first raid on the Capitol. That morning, at a meeting of supporters, he spoke: It is a charge of’incitement to civil war’.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 6일) : 오늘 여기 모인 우리는 급진 좌파 민주당 세력이 우리가 이긴 선거를 훔쳐 가는 걸 원치 않습니다. 우리는 포기하지 않을 겁니다. 패배도 인정하지 않을 거고 그런 일은 없을 겁니다.]

The passage in the US House of Representatives doesn’t seem difficult. If the majority agrees, it passes, but the Democratic Party already holds the majority. The problem is the Senate. Two-thirds, or 67% or more, is required to vote, and the number of seats is 50-50. The Republican Party requires an additional 17 people to leave for impeachment. The Republican Party said, “Impeaching a president who is short of term will only divide the United States further.” From the Democratic Party’s point of view, I don’t like the inauguration that deserves the spotlight and the impeachment of the former president in the early years of office covering the whole country. Once the House of Representatives has dealt with it, the’phase theory’ is gaining momentum to the Senate, sending a bill of impeachment 100 days before or after Biden took office. President Trump pushed his back on his back and promised a’smooth transfer of power’, but he said he would not attend the inauguration ceremony of President Biden.

▶ The unprecedented intrusion of the Parliament House

Again, it’s an incredible movie scene. The Capitol, a symbol of American democracy, is literally covered with violence. However, the situation was spotted as Trump supporters were preparing for an armed demonstration again. On the site opened by supporters, suggestions for armed marches this weekend ahead of President Biden’s inauguration ceremony are continually appearing in articles with the keyword’sunday gunday’. There are also proposals for a 1 million militia march in Washington, DC on the day of inauguration. Washington faces tensions as it prepares for the new president’s feast. 5000 State Defense Forces deployed around the Capitol. Fully armed soldiers were deployed at each event site where Biden-elect went, and a large dump truck was set up across the street.

It’s Trump’s last weapon to turn media and public opinion into enemies. Twitter accounts have also been permanently suspended. Twitter’s most problematic tweet is,’I will not go to the inauguration ceremony on the 20th.’ It means that he gave the so-called’coordinates’ to the supporters, aiding in a situation in which riots could occur again. Trump supporters went into so-called “digital asylum” with “parlors,” often used by conservatives. Even this’parlor’ app was in danger of a service disruption as Google and Apple started blocking downloads. President Trump has been a smarter use of Twitter than anyone else. While blatantly mocking Biden, he used it to criticize his politics, and shot up good American media as’fake news’. However, right after the meeting of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un wrapped in a veil at the time of the Singapore talks, he wrote a tweet saying, “There is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea,” and from the point of view of reporters, it was as if they were listening to the training directly, not through foreign media. But in recent months, I’ve been using Twitter as a tool for dissatisfaction with the election, and I’ve been warned that it’s “controversial” and eventually my account has been shut down.

The people who led the raids on the Capitol were also arrested one after another.

[JTBC ‘정치부회의’ (지난 8일) : 먼저 스스로를 ‘샤먼’, 그러니까 점성술사라고 칭하는 제이크 앤젤리라는 인물입니다. 이렇게 얼굴에 페인트를 칠하고 털모자와 뿔이 달린 헬멧을 쓴 채 의사당에 난입했습니다. 마지막으로 낸시 펠로시 하원의장 책상에 마치 점령군처럼 발을 올려놓은 이 사람, 총기 옹호단체 리더인 리처드 바넷이라는 사람입니다. 책상 위에 있던 편지까지 챙기고선, 25센트짜리 동전을 ‘봉투값’이라고 던지고 나왔다고 합니다.]

Jake Angely was arrested in Arizona and Richard Barnett was arrested in Florida. All are charged with trespassing and rioting. Nick Oaks of Proud Boys, a white supremacist group who featured smoking at the Capitol, was also arrested in Hawaii. 17 people have been prosecuted in federal court, and 40 people are in legal proceedings in Washington, DC. We’re tracking dozens more.

Could Trump impeachment be made? This is the reason why President Trump, who has less than 10 days left in office, wants to’impeach’ until after he retires, which is to prevent reruns in 2024. First of all, Republicans, especially senators, have stepped up in favor of Trump’s impeachment. From the standpoint of the’conservative’, which defends and aims for tradition, laws, and institutions, it is difficult for the far-rights who violated the Capitol through violence from the perspective of the Republicans. President Trump was said to be the worst president.

[팻 투미/미국 공화당 상원의원 (현지시간 지난 10일) : 우리나라를 위한 가장 좋은 방법은 대통령이 가능한 빨리 사임한 후 떠나는 것이라고 생각합니다.]

[아놀드 슈워제네거/전 미국 캘리포니아 주지사 (현지시간 지난 10일) : 그들은 미국 민주주의의 건물을 부순 것만이 아닙니다. 그들은 이 나라를 세운 원칙들을 짓밟았습니다. 트럼프 대통령은 실패한 리더입니다. 그는 역사상 최악의 대통령으로 물러날 것입니다.]

Republican lawmakers who opposed the confirmation of President Biden’s election were hit directly. A coalition of 36 independent insurance companies in the United States and a world-class hotel chain, including Marriott, stopped donating to their Republican lawmakers. JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup said they would “stop political sponsorship” for the time being, both Republicans and Democrats. Public opinion has already turned its back. According to ABC News and polls Ipsos, more than half of respondents, or 56 percent, said “President Trump must step down before leaving office.” Two-thirds of respondents, 67%, said, “President Trump is very responsible for this situation.”

For a long time, the United States has been the’slave of democracy’. We must see how we will overcome this crisis and conflict.

Today’s presentation is organized like this. < 트럼프, 초유의 '퇴임 후 탄핵' 절차 개시…트럼프 '트위터'는 영구 정지 >
