Trump reviews pile of pardons… ‘Self farewell’ before boarding a private plane

With just over 10,000 days left until Biden’s inauguration, President Trump is preparing for a massive pardon. It is known that he will not attend the inauguration ceremony and will leave the White House before that, but will hold a’self farewell ceremony’ at the Air Force Base.

Correspondent Kim Yoon-soo from Washington reports.


With less than 30 hours left in office, President Trump concluded the last pardon discussion.

It is said to have a size of about 100 people, and will target their supporters or political allies for pardon.

It is expected that there will be no pardon for the controversial’self-amnesty’ or parliamentary intrusion protesters.

[그레이엄/미 상원의원(공화당) : 시위대에 대한 사면을 추진하는 건 잘못된 일입니다. 그건 트럼프 대통령을 파괴하는 일이고, 그런 방향으로 사면이 진행되면 안 됩니다.]

President Trump leaves the White House on a private helicopter before the inauguration ceremony the next day.

After a’self farewell’ ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base, we will head to Florida on a private plane.

It is an analysis that the schedule is rushing to use a private aircraft before changing his status to the former president.

Ms. Melania, who was called the’First Lady of Hermit’, gave a farewell message.

[멜라니아/미국 대통령 영부인 : 여러분이 하는 모든 일에 열정을 가지십시오. 그러나, 폭력이 답이 될 수 없다는 점을 항상 기억하기 바랍니다.]

President Trump, who has refused to leave a’beautiful exit’, has not been shown for a week.

The tradition of leaving a handwritten letter to a successor president on the office desk is also likely to be broken.

In the midst of this, Washington, DC Attorney General says he can prosecute Trump’s incitement of violence, and the prosecution’s tip is increasingly approaching President Trump’s departure.

(Video coverage: Jeongsik Oh, video editing: Yonghwa Jung)
