Trump “promises a smooth transfer of power to the new government on the 20th…

Recognition of presidential defeat, promises to transfer the regime on January 20
The news of impeachment has begun to distance itself from the mob.



[아시아경제 이현우 기자] U.S. President Donald Trump promised a smooth new government on the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on the 20th, and said violence would be punished. Analysts say that the US Congress moved to evade responsibility by impeaching the president in Washington, DC the day before by impeaching the president by charging responsibility for the intrusion to the Capitol.

On the 7th (local time), in a video message posted on his Twitter, President Trump said, “The new government will be launched on the 20th, and we will strive for a smooth transfer of power.” He accused him of being punished as “for heinous acts.” He also said, “It was an honor of my life to perform my duties as the president of the United States,” he said, condemning the election defeat.

[이미지출처=댄 스카비노 백악관 소설미디어국장 트위터]

[이미지출처=댄 스카비노 백악관 소설미디어국장 트위터]

Earlier the day before, President Trump made a statement on Twitter that he would stop using his account for 12 hours, and that he would help the new government with a smooth transition through his Twitter account of White House Social Media Director Dan Scabino. In the statement, President Trump emphasized that “I do not fully agree with the election results, but there will be an orderly turnaround on January 20th.”

However, in the content of the statement, there was no criticism of the violent protests at the Capitol, and at the end of the statement, “It is only the beginning of our fight to make America great again, marking the end of the first and greatest term in the president’s history.” Controversy arose as it turned out, and it was seen that he would run for the next presidential election.

The US media analyzes that the reason President Trump suddenly set out to distance himself from the protesters is that isolation is intensifying due to the impeachment movement of the US Congress and the successive resignation of his staff. CNN said, “This statement came out after reports that the initial debate on the resumption of the impeachment procedure was in progress in Congress.” Reported.

Reporter Lee Hyun-woo [email protected]
