Trump pardons a bunch on the last day of his term… I don’t do’self pardon’

Input 2021.01.20 19:54

US President Donald Trump issued a pile of amnesty just hours before the end of his term on the 20th (local time). However, he did not do the’self pardon’, which has been raised as a possibility.

The U.S. White House said at 0:00 on the morning that President Trump pardoned 73 people and commuted 70 people. Among the pardons was Stephen Bannan, a longtime coordinator for President Trump. In this regard, the New York Times (NYT) reported that Bannon had not been targeted until the day before, but President Trump strongly pushed for his pardon.

Steve Bannan Former White House Chief Strategist. /Reuters Yonhap News

Bannon was the person who designed the overall keynote of the Trump administration’s “American First”. It is said that he made the greatest contribution to President Trump’s entry into the White House with anti-immigration policies and the like.

After resigning from the position of chief strategist at the White House in 2017, he was arrested by the federal prosecutors’ office in New York last year for fraudulent donations. He was indicted for raising funds in the name of building a Mexican border barrier, and was found to have spent some money raised privately. It is known that the amount of money he raised through fundraising activities amounted to 25 million dollars (about 27.5 billion won).

At first, there were many observations that Bannon would have been excluded from the amnesty. He said in his podcast’Warroom’ on the 5th, “Tomorrow, all hell will fall”.

Other than Bannon, rapper Lil Wayne, who was accused of possessing firearms, and former New York State Council chairman Sheldon Silver, accused of bribery, were included in the pardon. Pro-Trump businessman Elliot Broedy, who was convicted of violating foreign lobbying laws, and former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of public affairs in 2008, were also pardoned on the same day.

President Trump, however, did not exercise his right to pardon himself and his family. According to foreign media, President Trump has been considering making a’self-pardon’ before losing his presidential immunity, but he encountered opposition from his staff and the Ministry of Justice. Accordingly, President Trump is expected to face a lawsuit over suspicion of tax evasion and sexual scandal after retirement.

Rudy Giuliani, a private lawyer who was out of the eyes of President Trump, was also excluded from the pardon. Edward Snowden, who is living in exile abroad after exposing the circumstances of the U.S. government’s provincial prosecution and inspection, and Julian Assang, founder of WikiLeaks, who is imprisoned in the UK, have been observed to be pardonable. Didn’t.
