Trump “My remarks were appropriate during the protests” (Complementary)

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Trump “My remarks were appropriate during the protests” (Complementary)

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Kwon Young-mi |
2021-01-13 01:16 sent

US President Donald Trump © AFP=News1

US President Donald Trump has officially spoken to the media for the first time since supporters attacked Congress on the 12th. President Trump said he feels tremendous anger at the impeachment move against him, but he does not want violence. He also said that “impeachment is dangerous for the United States,” and argued that the impeachment movement was a continuation of the’witch hunt’ against him.

According to Reuters and CNBC, President Trump told reporters as he left the White House that day and moved to Texas. However, he did not answer the reporters’ questions about resigning.

President Trump has initiated an impeachment prosecution in the House of Representatives on charges of inciting violent invasion of parliament by supporters.

President Trump expressed anger at the impeachment move by Democrats. “This impeachment is causing tremendous anger. They are doing it. What they are doing is terrible.”

He said it was dangerous to the United States to impeach himself. When asked if he was responsible for the raid on the Capitol, he claimed that his words were “completely appropriate” at the time. They also accused big tech companies (Big Tech), such as Twitter, who suspended their accounts, for making terrible mistakes.

On the 6th, supporters of President Trump held a massive protest and broke into the Capitol, interfering with the process of approving the results of the elections by the Senate and Senate. Shortly before protesters broke into the Capitol, President Trump made a speech that seemed to promote lawlessness.

On the same day, about one week in office, President Trump is set to visit Texas to explore a project to build a border barrier with Mexico.

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