“Trump, lying and misrepresenting 33,573 times during his tenure… last year, an average of 39 times a day”

Analysis says former US President Donald Trump made more than 30,000 lies and misleading claims during his tenure.

On the 24th local time, the Washington Post reported the results of evaluating the accuracy of what former President Trump claimed through its own fact checker.

Reportedly, there are 3,573 allegations that former President Trump has falsely or misleadingly claimed in four years.

About half of them were analyzed to have come in the last year of their term.

In the first year of his inauguration, he made 6 lies and misleading claims per day, and in the second year, this number increased to an average of 16 per day.

Then, in the third year, it soared to 22 a day and 39 in the last year.

The Washington Post said, “It took 27 months for former President Trump to claim 10,000 lies and misleading facts, but it took 14 months to reach 20,000,” said the Washington Post. “In less than 5 months, it passed 30,000. “He explained.

Lies include health care, scandals in Ukraine, Corona 19, elections, etc.

In particular, regarding Corona 19, at the end of last year alone, more than 2,500 false claims were made.

When former President Trump was infected with Corona 19, he lie about 4,000 lies in a month, minus six days of treatment.

Also, on the day before the presidential election, 503 cases of lying and misleading claims were made, and after the presidential election, more than 800 cases of lying and misleading claims were made.

The Washington Post said, “One of the features of Trump’s lies is that he repeats the same argument over and over again.”

Currently, the Washington Post publishes related materials through its database website.

