Trump left the White House… Absence from inauguration ceremony and self-farewell to history

US President Donald Trump ended his four-year White House life on the 20th.

President Trump disappeared in the back of history, leaving behind a more divided American society than ever before, dissatisfied with the presidential election, promoted congressional riots, and absent from his inauguration ceremony.

Trump has become a natural man with the stigma of being the first president impeached by the House of Representatives since noon on the 20th, when the next President Joe Biden took office.

President and Mrs. Trump departed from South Lawn, the White House, on the Marine One, a presidential helicopter, at around 8:20 am that day and headed for the nearby Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

President Trump, wearing a red tie on his coat, told reporters before boarding the helicopter, “It was an honor of a lifetime. The greatest people in the world, the greatest home in the world.” .

The runway of Base Andrews was covered with a red carpet, and 21 artillery fired.

President Trump said in his farewell speech here, “I will come back in any way.”

He said, “I will always fight for you.

As in the video speech the day before, we wished for the success of the new government, but did not mention President Biden’s name.

He also praised himself for his achievements and said to his family, “I don’t know how hard they worked. They could have an easier life.”

President Trump’s acquaintances, close friends, and former administration officials were invited to the farewell event, but Vice President Mike Pence was absent from attending the inauguration ceremony of President Biden.

Trump did not attend the inauguration of Biden’s 46th U.S. president at the noon capitol.

The president who does not attend the inauguration of his successor has been 152 years since Andrew Johnson in 1869.

Like Trump, former President Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives.

Trump is the first president to abstain from the inauguration ceremony and self-farewell at the military base.

President Trump left a letter to President Biden before leaving the White House.

It is a tradition of the White House for an outgoing president to leave a letter to his successor with virtues and recommendations on the’Decision Desk’, the president’s desk in the office.

There were expectations that President Trump would not leave a letter, but tradition was preserved.

Ms. Melania also wrote to Jill Biden, CNN reported.

President Trump went straight to Air Force One and waved his hand, and the plane took off the runway a little after 9 a.m. and headed for his home in Florida.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
