Trump is still alive… Republican 46%

Former US President Donald Trump.  AP=Yonhap News

Former US President Donald Trump. AP=Yonhap News

Former US President Donald Trump’s influence in the Republican Party was strong.

If former President Trump created a new party, a poll found that half of the Republicans would participate. According to a poll released by USA Today and Suffolk University on the 21st (local time), 46% of Republicans said they are willing to change in Republicans if former President Trump decides to establish a party. 27% of respondents said they would remain with the Republican Party without joining the Trump Party. The survey was conducted among 1,000 Republican voters who voted for Trump in the last presidential election. The sample error is ±3%P.

Indeed, respondents thought Trump’s influence in the Republican Party should continue. Half of the respondents said that Republicans should be more loyal to former President Trump, and only 19% said the party should lower their loyalty to Trump. In spite of the impeachment, only 4% of respondents said their support fell, and 42% said their support increased. 54% said the impeachment did not affect support.

59% of the respondents wanted former President Trump to run for the 2024 presidential election again. 29% said they didn’t want, but twice as many. 76% of respondents said they would support former President Trump if they were running.

Respondents’ resentment toward President Joe Biden also appeared. 73% said President Biden was not legally elected. 62% said Republican lawmakers should confront President Biden on key policies. It far exceeded the response (26%) that they should cooperate even if they compromise.

Reporter Jang Joo-young [email protected]
