Trump impeachment round 1, Democrats won

The results of a vote on whether the impeachment trial for Trump, who left office in the middle of the judgment on the impeachment of former President Donald Trump, is in line with the Constitution, is displayed on the screen of the Senate TV. Washington = Reuters Yonhap News

The first round of the impeachment of former President Donald Trump, which was held in the US Congressional Senate on the 9th (local time), is the atmosphere that the Democrats won. In the preliminary war on impeachment, the constitutional vote led to further departure of Republicans. It is an evaluation that the former President Trump’s defense team did not properly stop the video offensive of the’Capitol riot’ of the Impeachment Prosecution Commission.

On that day, the US Senate voted on whether it would be contrary to the Constitution to judge the impeachment of the retired president prior to the full-scale hearing that took place the next day, and the result was constitutional. There were 56 votes for and 44 against. This is the result of a four-hour battle between the House of Representatives Impeachment Prosecution Committee, who said that the retired president would also be subject to impeachment, and the former President Trump’s defense team, who said it could not. Criminal proceedings apply mutatis mutandis to the Senate’s impeachment decision, where prosecutors act as prosecutors and lawmakers act as jurors.

Although there is only one person, the number of votes in favor of the procedural vote on the 26th of last month increased. The Republican Senators who voted in favor at the time were Mitt Romney and Van Seth, Susan Collins, Lisa Merkoski, and Pat Tumi.

First of all, low-level defense is regarded as a major failure. Republican Congressman Bill Cassidy, who changed his position on the day and joined the favor, criticized the lawyers publicly, saying that the defense was “unstructured and arbitrary.” Congressman John Conin of the same party criticized reporters after the vote, saying that Trump’s former presidential defense team was “not the best.” The US CNN broadcast cited two sources and said, “The former President Trump almost screamed while watching the argument.”

This is a foreseeable result considering the’recruitment difficulties’ experienced by former President Trump. The two lawyers who pleaded on that day were newly appointed only a week before the start of the impeachment trial. At the end of last month, five lawyers resigned, and they were not in a position to cover cold rice or hot rice. The lawyer who led the anti-Trump lawsuit last year was even included in the impeachment lawyers.

At the Washington Federal Assembly on the 9th, when the impeachment trial for former US President Donald Trump began, the House of Representatives impeachment proceedings passed through the Capitol Rotunda and headed for the main Senate hall. Washington = EPA Yonhap News

The Democratic Party’s strategy also worked. Democratic Party Rep. Jamie Raskin, the head of the impeachment prosecution committee, played a 13-minute video edited on the 6th of last month as soon as the judgment began. At the beginning of the video was a speech by former President Trump encouraging “Let’s go to Parliament.” Subsequently, scenes of the violent events of the protesters who were rushed to the parliament appeared. While the video was playing, the main chairman of the Senate was filled with yelling and abusive language contained in the video, and the video was broadcast in real time through broadcasts such as NBC and CNN.

‘Image over words’ was a prepared card. The Washington Post predicted that the intention is to make the seats of the Republicans, who have already concluded “not guilty of Trump,” as “thorn cushions” and appeal to the public for the justification of the impeachment of former President Trump. Trump’s former president’s lawyer Bruce Caster admitted, “Honestly, the prosecution committees were good at arguing and changed what we were trying to do.”

On this day, the defense team defended that if the prosecution committee attacked that former President Trump instigated the civil war on charges, his speech should be protected with freedom of expression. This pattern is expected to continue in earnest sentiment starting on the 10th. Both sides have an opportunity to argue for 16 hours each.

Even with the Democratic Party’s dominance on the first day, the possibility of passing an impeachment bill is still slim. It is judged that it is more advantageous to focus on the implementation of economic stimulus measures to overcome the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) crisis rather than the impeachment judgment that is difficult to win anyway, whether the Democratic Party pays more attention to public opinion than the pleadings, and President Joe Biden pretended to be indifferent on this day. There is a high probability of working in

Whether or not to impeach former President Trump will be decided at the earliest on the 14th, at the latest in a vote expected early next week. In order for the impeachment bill to be passed, at least 17 people must leave the Republican Party.

Kwon Kyung-seong reporter

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