Trump faces’punitive damages’ lawsuit over impeachment

Trump, Giuliani, Proudboys, etc.
Prohibition of Interfering with Constitutional Duties of Congress and Federal Officials
Grounds for violation of the KKK Act enacted 150 years ago, filing a civil court

Former US President Donald Trump is raising his thumb while looking around a supporter rally in West Palm Beach, Florida on the 15th. West Palm Beach=AP Yonhap News

On the 6th of last month (local time), a lawsuit was filed asking former President Donald Trump’s’individual’ responsibility over the intrusion of the US Capitol. The impeachment was canceled, but the intention is to condemn the lawless acts that caused the damage to democracy to the end. The Democratic Commonwealth Congressman opened the first lawsuit with a bill enacted 150 years ago.

According to the Associated Press on the 16th, Democratic Congressman Benny Thompson, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, filed a civil lawsuit against former President Trump, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, extremist group Proudboys, Oskefer, and others. Raised. The news agency said, “Rep. Thompson has filed an unspecified’punitive damages’ claim to the defendants.”

Congressman Thompson insisted in the warden that “a series of assemblies and congressional raids were not accidental, but carefully organized,” and argued that former President Trump and his supporters violated the KKK Act enacted in 1871. The KKK Act prohibits the use of violence or intimidation by Congress or other federal officials to prevent them from performing their constitutional obligations. It is explained that Trump has pressed individual states and vice presidents to overturn the results of the presidential election, and that attempts to interfere with the presidential election winner certification through intrusion of Congress violated the law.

Congressman Thompson’s 150-year-old law came from the recognition that Congress cannot punish Trump for dismissing the impeachment, but as long as the immunity privilege as president disappears, it is legal to ask individuals to be liable for damages. In particular, even Republican lawmakers who opposed Trump’s impeachment are known to have said that it is more appropriate to deal with the matter in court rather than in Congress.

The National Association for the Improvement of the Color of Color (NACCP) and Joe Sellers, who are acting on behalf of the lawsuit, emphasized that “inciting riots and interfering with election results certification are generally not the scope of the president’s responsibility.” .

Trump’s side has yet to come up with a different stance on personal litigation. Giuliani also did not respond to requests for comment, the AP said.

Jinwook Kim reporter

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